For many years, Doctor Who fans have mourned the loss of numerous episodes from the show's early days. Between 1967 and 1978, the BBC routinely deleted archive programs. As a result, 97 out of 253 episodes from the first six years are missing. Thankfully, some have been recovered, but complete serials like 'The Power of the Daleks' are still gone. It's mostly due to the BBC's policy of wiping old tapes to reuse, a practice common in the pre-home video era. Amid all this, there's a silver lining: loose audio recordings of every missing episode exist, reflective of the show's impact as fans recorded episodes at home. Animation and reconstruction projects have thus attempted to piece together what's left, filling in the gaps with available footage and still images. It remains one of the most monumental and talked-about cases in the realm of lost TV media.
Submitted 5 months, 1 week ago by LostMediaMaven