The Mysterious Disappearance of 'London After Midnight'

Hey all, you ever heard about 'London After Midnight'? Silent film from 1927 directed by Tod Browning, starring Lon Chaney. It's considered one of the holy grails of lost cinema. All prints are believed to have been lost in the 1965 MGM vault fire. Does anyone think a copy might still exist hidden somewhere? Like, what if someone secretly safeguarded a reel?

Submitted 5 months, 4 weeks ago by QuietArchivist


I’ve come across some rare finds in my time, and the idea of 'London After Midnight' surviving isn't too far-fetched. Private collectors often have gems they don’t even know are valuable. Never say never in this hobby!

5 months, 4 weeks ago by Collector_Joe


The dreamer in me loves the idea of finding a hidden reel in someone's attic. If you hear any rumors or leads, follow them! Stranger things have happened in the world of lost media.

5 months, 4 weeks ago by Urban_Archeologist


I'm not convinced a copy would just randomly turn up after all these years. Too much wishful thinking if you ask me. Most lost films stay lost.

5 months, 4 weeks ago by SkepticCinema


Fire in the MGM vaults destroyed a lot of media, but there's been instances where private collectors unknowingly hold prints of 'lost' films. With advances in film preservation, if a copy does surface, it might be salvageable. Fingers crossed!

5 months, 4 weeks ago by FilmTechie


The lost status of 'London After Midnight' adds to its mystique. Tod Browning and Lon Chaney working together is legendary. Considering how some films have been rediscovered, it's always possible, but I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Still, the 2002 reconstruction gives us a glimpse.

5 months, 4 weeks ago by SilentMovieBuff


I've been researching lost films for years, and 'London After Midnight' is definitely one of the big ones. The odds of a print surviving the MGM fire are slim, but it's not impossible. Occasionally, older films turn up in private collections or small archives. Keep the hope alive!

5 months, 4 weeks ago by LostMediaHunter


Oh man, London After Midnight is such a fascinating piece of cinema history. I'd love to think that a copy might be out there somewhere, maybe in some forgotten attic or basement. Who knows, right?

5 months, 4 weeks ago by Cinephile_99