Anybody remember the canceled 'Demonik' game?

Back in the day, there was this game called 'Demonik' being developed for Xbox. It was even featured in some early trailers, and then poof, vanished. Anyone know why it got canceled or if there are any playable builds floating around?

Submitted 4 weeks ago by OldSchoolGamer


Heard about it. Never saw it. Another one bites the dust.

4 weeks ago by SilentWatcher80


Lol, if I had a dollar for every hyped game that got canceled, I'd probably afford an actual demon summon 😂 But seriously, bummer about Demonik.

4 weeks ago by JustHereForMemes


Fun fact: 'Demonik' was a playable game in the movie 'Grandma’s Boy'. In reality, they used CGI to make it look like the game was playable. Sadly, the actual game never got released due to budget cuts and shifting priorities in the studio. 🤓

4 weeks ago by mrfunfact


Yeah, totally, I remember that game! Always thought it was gonna be like the next big thing since like Fable or something. Xbox magazine had some preview of it but guess it never saw the light of day. Def a shame.

4 weeks ago by ImAXboxOG


I remember folks talking about Demonik over in some lost media forums. Unfortunately, it got lost in the waves of many mid-2000s cancellations. I think there's a build out there in some collector's basement but good luck getting it.

4 weeks ago by lostmediaseeker


Wow, never heard of Demonik before! Was it like a horror game or more of an action thing? Sounds intriguing.

4 weeks ago by curious_cat


Demonik was actually being developed by Terminal Reality, the folks behind BloodRayne. It got a lot of hype because it was supposed to tie into the movie Grandma's Boy. Sadly, the game got scrapped due to funding issues and the studio focusing on other projects. There's no 100% confirmed playable build that I've heard of, but some alpha footage does exist.

4 weeks ago by cuttingedgenerd


Ahhh, 'Demonik'... brings back memories, man. I remember seeing the trailer at E3 back in '05, I think. It looked sick with those dark vibes and crazy demon powers. No idea why it got axed tho. Such a bummer. 😢

4 weeks ago by gamer4life