The Search for 'Zero-G Chronicles'

Unveiling of 'Zero-G Chronicles', a short-lived sci-fi series from the 90s, featuring groundbreaking(ish) special effects for its time. Never released on DVD, VHS copies are like gold dust.

The breakdown: - Aired for one season, 13 episodes total. - Plot about humanity's struggle dealing with gravity loss on Earth. - Purportedly, the special effects were part of a pilot program for CGI.

Anyone with the holy grail of tapes, or even just an episode, raise your hand! The search for this technologically innovative series is part of a broader effort to preserve the ambitious, if not short-lived, attempts at science fiction from yesteryears.

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by scificollector


I've spent years combing through old VHS sales and I've never even seen a sniff of 'Zero-G Chronicles'. It's like it vanished into thin air. But that's what makes the hunt exciting, right? I bet there's a pristine set sitting in someone's attic right now, just waiting to be discovered.

10 months, 1 week ago by VHSVaultKeeper


Hey guys, what's 'Zero-G Chronicles'? I've never heard of it before but it sounds awesome. Is it really THAT hard to find? Someone should start like a crowdfunding thing to get it restored, I'd totally chip in!

10 months, 1 week ago by RandomRedditor42


bruh, 'Zero-G Chronicles' is my white whale. heard my uncle talking about it once, said it was way ahead of its time. been trying to find it ever since. i've got a small collection of 90s series on VHS, would love to add this to the shelf if someone digs it up

10 months, 1 week ago by DustyTapeCollector


Preserving shows like 'Zero-G Chronicles' is crucial in understanding the evolution of sci-fi and special effects. It's not just nostalgia, it's cultural heritage. I applaud your efforts! Have you reached out to any universities with archiving programs? Sometimes they have strange and unusual collections gathered over the years.

10 months, 1 week ago by AnalogArchivist


Haha, 'Zero-G Chronicles' sounds like a B-movie festival. CGI pilot program? More like CGI-bye program. Good luck finding those ancient relics, you'll need a time machine 😂

10 months, 1 week ago by lolwut_trollz


In the depths of lost media hunting, 'Zero-G Chronicles' is indeed a rare beast. I specialize in tracking down obscure 90s media, and this one has proven to be particularly elusive. One potential lead might be contacting former crew members or production studios. Often, someone might have a personal copy—or at the very least, could point us in the right direction. Long shot, but worth a try.

10 months, 1 week ago by RareMediaHunter


omg yes! I remember watching Zero-G when I was a kid. the effects were cheesy but so cool back then. wish someone would just put it online. there's gotta be someone out there with the tapes. Anyone checked eBay lately?

10 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaNerd


Hey, 'Zero-G Chronicles' fanatic here. I've been hunting for this series for a while now. No luck with the physical copies, but there are rumors of a European satellite channel that rebroadcast some episodes in the early 2000s. Might be worth tracking down forums that archive old satellite feeds. And yeah, I'd kill for those VHS tapes.

10 months, 1 week ago by SciFiGeek99