Looking for a game from the 90s pls help

hey i remember playing this game where u were a detective and it had real actors, like a movie kinda... it was on a cd-rom, i think it was called 'crime wave' or 'crime tide', anyone got a copy or even remembers it?

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by oldgamehunter


Haven't heard of that game, but love me some FMV games. Those were the glory days, games like 'Myst' and 'Gabriel Knight'. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Can't help with a copy but good luck on the hunt!

10 months, 1 week ago by mysterymaniac


lolol, 'Crime Wave' was so bad it never existed, git gud with your game knowledge. You probs making this up xD

10 months, 1 week ago by GameTrollPro


Hey, uh, if it's a copy of 'Crime Wave' you're after, good luck. That game's like ultra rare or something. Pretty sure 'Crime Wave' ain't the detective game you mean. If it's FMV you want, there's loads to pick from the 90s, they were all the rage.

10 months, 1 week ago by finders_keepers


chances are the game youre thinking of is 'Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon' like the others said. If you're looking for a copy, you might also wanna check out digital distribution sites like GOG or Steam. I think they have those old games ready for download on modern systems.

10 months, 1 week ago by DigiDude22


never heard of 'crime wave' but what you described sounds awesome. if u find it, hit me up. wanna check it out too lol

10 months, 1 week ago by lolwutnoob


Based on what you've mentioned, I'm almost certain the game you're thinking of is 'Under a Killing Moon'. It was a part of the Tex Murphy series, which included other titles like 'Mean Streets' and 'The Pandora Directive'. These were CD-ROM based games with FMV (Full Motion Video) that utilized real actors in a detective narrative. Very high tech for the nineties, obviously. If you're after a copy, check out online auction sites or local gaming collector shops.

10 months, 1 week ago by gamesleuth


omg this brings back memories! could it be 'Under a Killing Moon'? That was another FMV game with detectives and stuff. I used to be OBSESSED!!!

10 months, 1 week ago by 90sKid4Eva


uhm i think ur talking about 'Phantasmagoria' or 'The 7th Guest'? Both had real actors and were pretty big at the time. Search around on ebay or something, but those games aren’t that hard to find, lots of copies floating around.

10 months, 1 week ago by RetroGamerZ