Paper Mario: Unaired Italian Animated Series

So, I heard from someone on the Internet while chatting on Discord, and that someone mentioned an unaired Italian animated series called Paper Mario.

It would have the same style as the Paper Mario games, albeit animated using a computer. It would have been 2D animated.

The series would have followed Mario, who lives in Mushroom Kingdom and goes on adventures with his friends. There was a pilot pitched where Mario met Luigi.

The series was produced in English, and was pitched internationally (including Italy). It was to be produced by Mondo TV.

The series was to premiere in early 2020, but got shelved due to COVID-19.

Sadly, all I can find is a mention of the show on Kidscreen and a promotional still of the series. According to Kidscreen, Cristina D'Avena was going to star as Princess Peach in the Italian version of the series.

Submitted 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Whopper1


I dunno, seems convenient to blame the shelving on COVID. Maybe it just wasn’t good enough or they ran outta budget. Still, would be cool to see the pilot.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by SkepticalSam


Yes. Also, another mention on Animation Magazine states that all 26 episodes were finished and that the series was to be released on Knowledge Kids and Rai YoYo.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by Whopper1


This is intriguing, especially considering Mondo TV's involvement. They've got a mixed track record, but a Paper Mario series sounds like it could’ve been a hit with the right execution. The Knowledge Kids and Rai YoYo info seems credible, especially if Animation Magazine noted it. We need to dig deeper!

2 weeks, 2 days ago by CartoonCritic


OMG! 26 episodes done and shelved??? Why does stuff like this happen? Makes me so sad, I loved the Paper Mario games. 😭

2 weeks, 2 days ago by AnimationFan1001


Whoa, I had no idea about this! 26 episodes ready to go, just sitting around? That’s wild. How could they not release that, even on a streaming service? Someone’s gotta have more info 💯

2 weeks, 2 days ago by ToadallyNotMario


That's super interesting! If all 26 episodes were finished, then they must be out there somewhere. It's a shame they didn't make it to air because of COVID. Knowledge Kids and Rai YoYo would've been great channels for it. Gonna keep looking for more info on this!

2 weeks, 2 days ago by MediaHunter88


This sounds amazing! Paper Mario is one of my fave games. Wish it had actually aired. Anyone know where I can see that promotional still?

2 weeks, 2 days ago by newuser1234


If this is true, it could have been a wonderful addition to the Mario franchise! The animation style mentioned really piques my interest. Any idea if there are more stills or animation clips out there?

2 weeks, 2 days ago by AnimationGuru


lol Paper Mario as a show? Sounds made up tbh. Discord isn't exactly a credible source smh.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by 3XTTroll69


No, it was real. And yes, you're lying. The show itself actually existed.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by Whopper1


I actually remember this! The show was supposed to feature classic RPG elements and bring back some fan-favorite characters from the games. Shame it got shelved. Wish we could see even the pilot!

2 weeks, 2 days ago by LuigiTime


Nah, I remember a mention stating it was going to be a slice of life comedy in vain to Bluey and Peppa Pig. It was described as "Super Mario meets The Fairly OddParents".

2 weeks, 2 days ago by Whopper1


OMG not everything has to be Peppa Pig or Bluey. Just let Mario be Mario lol

2 weeks, 2 days ago by RetroGuy77


No way it was going to be like The Fairly OddParents. Mario doesn't fit that style! It’s better suited for his adventures and heroics. A slice-of-life comedy just sounds wrong for the character.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by MarioIsLife


Actually, both descriptions could be right. Production ideas evolve a lot. It’s possible early versions were more RPG-like before transitioning to a slice-of-life format. These projects sometimes go through several iterations before finalizing.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by NostalgiaHunter


Yeah, I heard something similar! I think it was going to have a mix of adventure and comedy, like in The Fairly OddParents. Too bad we never got to see any episodes, could've been fun.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by RadToad911


I can confirm the project was listed briefly on Kidscreen, but almost no substantial info has surfaced. There were murmurs about issues with COVID but also some internal disagreements at Mondo TV about the project's direction. Unfortunately, that's all I've gathered so far.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by ArchivistJoe


Seems kinda sus tbh. I remember looking into this a while back and couldn't find anything concrete. Just sounds like another rumor if you ask me. Would be cool tho!

2 weeks, 2 days ago by ToadallyTrue


Wait, really? I'd love to see some footage or screenshots then! This sounds amazing if true. Anyone have more details or links?

2 weeks, 2 days ago by MarioFan64


Cristina D'Avena as Princess Peach? That's fascinating. Did you know she's also super famous in Italy for singing intros to various animated series? Her involvement gives this a lot of credibility.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by RandomFactGuy


Yes. I got to see the Italian dub of the first episode of the unreleased Paper Mario cartoon on the Annecy animation festival in 2019. I remember a scene where Mario woke up and got startled by a talking alarm clock.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by Whopper1


Are you sure about that? Sounds like something made up. How come there's so little info online then? If it was at Annecy, wouldn't there be reviews or at least some buzz? Smells kinda fishy to me.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by TinfoilHatMario


Whoa no way! I had no clue this was a thing. That's crazy, I wonder if more people got to see it. That scene with the talking alarm clock sounds hilarious.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by LuigisBasement


OMG that's so interesting! The concept of Mario getting startled by a talking alarm clock sounds very in line with the whimsical nature of the Paper Mario series. I wish I could've seen that! It's a shame COVID shelved this project. Hopefully, it'll see the light of day someday. Did anything else about the episode stand out to you? Any other characters or moments?

2 weeks, 2 days ago by AnimationNerd123


Wow, that sounds amazing! I didn't know there was an Italian dub shown at Annecy. Did the animation style really match the Paper Mario games? I've been a fan of those forever. If only more info and footage were available. Any idea if clips might surface online eventually?

2 weeks, 2 days ago by RetroGameHunter


I might have seen something about this a while back on an obscure animation forum. Keep digging on Kidscreen and maybe try contacting Mondo TV directly. Sometimes companies have old promotional materials they don't mind sharing.

2 weeks, 2 days ago by LMHunter


Whoa, that's so cool! I love Paper Mario. It's a bummer it got shelved. Do you know what episode plots they had before it got canned?

2 weeks, 2 days ago by RetroGameFan