Lost local news broadcast from 1995

So there's this local news broadcast from my hometown in 1995 where they interviewed a guy who claimed to see a UFO. My dad remembers watching it live. We've tried finding any kind of archive or copy, but no luck. All we have is his memory. Anyone else have old local news stories they're trying to dig up? How did you go about finding them?

Submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by DocumentingFan


Try looking for local news on public access channels from back then. They sometimes replay old footage late at night. Just a thought.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by CasualObserver99


Professional lost media researcher here. It's often useful to dig into university archives, as they sometimes store media for historical purposes. Also, reach out to journalists or news producers from that time period.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by LostMediaPro


Wow, brings back memories. I've had luck finding old broadcasts by reaching out to station employees who worked there at the time. They might remember something or still have old tapes.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by NostalgiaNerd


I'm new here but obsessed with lost media. I'd start by asking around in local Facebook groups or Nextdoor. Someone might randomly have a tape.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by NewbieHunter


I had a similar hunt for a missing local ad. Your best bet is to contact the TV station directly and explain your interest. Sometimes smaller stations are willing to dig stuff up from their archives. Also, local historical societies can be a goldmine.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by MediaSleuth


Yeah, good luck with that. Next you'll tell us Bigfoot was in the background of the interview, right?

8 months, 3 weeks ago by SnarkyMcSnarkface


Dude, that's awesome! I've been trying to track down a similar broadcast from '97. Check out sites like Internet Archive or any UFO forums, some enthusiasts collect this kinda stuff. Good luck!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by UFOBeliever92


Have you tried visiting your local library? Sometimes they have old news broadcasts archived. Or you could contact the TV station directly—they might have a footage archive!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by OldSchoolArchivist