In Search of 'Silver Eyes' - The 1920s Silent Film

I've scoured archives and contacted private collectors, but Silver Eyes remains elusive. This 1927 silent horror film, directed by the enigmatic Victor H. Marek, was said to be ahead of its time in both narrative and special effects, with a story revolving around a cursed mirror. It was banned shortly after its limited release due to 'disturbing imagery' and most copies were destroyed. A few film historians claim to have viewed it, leaving cryptic reviews in niche journals. Does anyone here have any leads or could confirm they've seen stills? This has become my white whale.

Submitted 7 months, 4 weeks ago by reeltolost


lol, you believe in 'Silver Eyes'? Next you'll be telling us you've found actual silver in your eyes 😂

7 months, 4 weeks ago by trollmeister3000


Silver Eyes, if it still exists, would be a holy grail. Remember, many silent films are considered lost due not only to deliberate destruction but also to the nitrate decay. If you're serious about hunting it down, I'd suggest expanding your network—film scholars, archivists, and especially Eastern European film repositories. Post-WWI geopolitics scattered a lot of film content.

7 months, 4 weeks ago by celluloidspecter


Victor H. Marek's works are groundbreaking and it's a tragedy that 'Silver Eyes' is lost to time. I once reached out to the Marek estate via a distant relative—no luck, but they are out there. Keep the faith!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by VHmarekfan1984


Not to rain on your parade, but are we even sure Silver Eyes was as groundbreaking as they say? Sounds like a lot of the usual myth-making to me. Cursed films, banned content... pretty standard fare to create allure around something nobody has even seen.

7 months, 4 weeks ago by flickershadow


I had a film professor who was obsessed with lost films, especially 'Silver Eyes'. From what I remember, he mentioned an Italian collector who passed away in the early 2000s, and rumor has it that a copy was found among his estate—but nothing came out of it publicly. Might want to start digging into Italian film preservation societies.

7 months, 4 weeks ago by classicfilmjunkie


They say the film's got real curses tied to it, that's why it's all hush-hush. You can't find it 'cause it's dangerous, man. But, ya know, then there's the argument if a thing that ain't seen does it even exist? I wanna believe!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by oldsilverfanatic


Hey, I've been down a similar rabbit hole with 'Silver Eyes'. I swear I came across an old forum thread ages ago that had someone claiming they had a few seconds of footage. Could be a hoax but might be worth chasing up? I think it was on a site dedicated to pre-30s cinema. Good luck, and if you do find anything, please share!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by mirrorcurse99