The Missing Episodes of Lunar Legend Tsukihime - Analysis

So, we all know about Lunar Legend Tsukihime, the anime from early 2000s based on the Visual Novel. But what not everyone knows is that there are actually 2 episodes that were planned and never aired. From my research, and confirmed by a few storyboard leaks, these episodes (which would have been 13 and 14) were supposed to delve deeper into the backstories of Ciel and Akiha. Production issues and creative differences led to these episodes being shelved indefinitely.

Interestingly, a partial script for episode 13 still exists and hints at some major plot revelations that were never explored in the aired series or even in the VN. It even introduces a character completely unknown to Tsukihime fans. It's quite the rabbit hole and honestly, finding these lost episodes would be like striking gold for the Tsukihime fanbase. I’ve got a contact at the animation studio who’s promised to dig around. Will update if I find out more!

Submitted 7 months, 4 weeks ago by ultimaidol


Akiha didn't get enough screen time for sure! The fact that they had whole episodes planned for her backstory is making me curious. They definitely need to release this content, even as an OVA or something. Akiha fans unite, let's get these episodes!!!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by AkihaLover


2 lost episodes? And production issues? Bet there was more to the story. Like some secret Type-Moon fallout we never heard about. These anime studios can be pretty cloak-and-dagger about their internal drama. This 'lost' stuff might've been tucked away for a reason. The plot thickens...

7 months, 4 weeks ago by SeventhScript


or maybe those episodes are lost cause they were too boring to release LOL just kidding... unless? 🌚

7 months, 4 weeks ago by RedMoonTroll


Holy crap, this is news to me! Ive only gotten into Tsukihime recently through the visual novel, had no idea the anime had such a mystery surrounding it. Thats so freakin cool!!!!!!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by VisualNovelNerd


I'll believe it when I see it. People claim to have 'insider' sources all the time but nothing ever comes of it. Just seems like wishful thinking unless there's some solid proof.

7 months, 4 weeks ago by TohnoFamilyCurse


The existence of additional Tsukihime episodes has been a hot topic among die-hard fans for years. Unaired episodes are quite rare in the anime industry but not unprecedented. The 2000s were rife with production issues due to the booming anime market stretching resources thin. It'd be a real treat to see how the writers intended to flesh out Ciel and Akiha more. Keep us in the loop, and good luck with your contact!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by MeltyBloodMaster


yeah i heard rumors about extra content a while back but never saw anything concrete. storyboards actually leaked? got a link to that? crazy that there's still stuff from tsukihime we haven't seen yet after all these years

7 months, 4 weeks ago by TrueAncestor


WOAH, never knew about the unaired episodes! 😱 That's some cool trivia right there, would've loved to see more of Ciel's past. Really hope your studio contact comes through, this could be HUGE for the community!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by ArcueidFanatic