It's a long shot, but I've been on the quest to find the pilot episode of 'Northwest Mysteries' for YEARS. It's like this investigative show about paranormal stuff in Oregon and Washington state. Heard it got too spooky and they canned it after just one airing. If anyone else is lookin for this or has any leads, hit me up, let's find this ghost (show, I mean).
Submitted 1 year ago by PilotEpisodeManiac
I work with a local paranormal investigation group in Oregon, and we're pretty invested in regional lore, including 'Northwest Mysteries.' From what I know, the episode angered a few influential locals, and there was talk of a lawsuit over how some stories were presented. If there was any unaired footage or copies, they'd be kept hush-hush. I have a friend who used to do small-time broadcasting; I'll ask if he remembers anything.
I've seen this show before, and I'm willing to bet that someone somewhere definitely has a recording stashed away. It’s finding 'em that’s the trick. You might wanna check out estate sales, old rental places that are closing down, or contact collectors directly. Just get ready to go through lots of old commercials and home-recorded soap operas. Keep the faith, the pilot's out there somewhere.
The pursuit of 'Northwest Mysteries' is pretty infamous in lost media circles. A lot of leads end up at dead ends or with people claiming they saw it but never have the evidence to back it up. It was produced by a company called Shadowland Productions, which dissolved shortly after the pilot - some say due to internal conflicts, others believe it was quietly bought out. A serious dig into former employees might lead somewhere.
So I've cataloged broadcast schedules from that time period and Northwest Mysteries' pilot isn't listed under any of the mainstream channels. I did find a mention of an independent station that might have aired it once, KTDX Salem, they ran a lot of experimental content back in the day. Might be worth reaching out to anyone in the area who was working for the station during that time.
Oh man, Northwest Mysteries! I 'member my folks talking about that show when I was little. Said it freaked 'em out but kinda in a good way? Anyway, no luck finding the pilot but I’m down for the hunt. We gotta have some old VHS aficionados in here, don't we?