

The Unaired Pilot of 'Radical Squadron'

Man, does anyone else remember the buzz about that unaired pilot for the cartoon called *Radical Squadron* back in the 90s? It's like it vanished into thin air. The show eventually got picked up and renamed but they say the pilot had this darker tone and I've heard it had …
submitted 1 year ago by oldschooltoonhunter


The Lost 'Myriad Realms' Web Game - A Deep Dive

I’m deep-diving into early 2000s flash games and stumbled upon memories of 'Myriad Realms'. It was a text-based fantasy RPG rumored to have an ARG element leading to a real treasure. It was hosted on a GeoCities-esque website by a dev named 'KryptKeeper'. The most fascinating part is how the …
submitted 1 year ago by crypticcoder93


Why all the fuss about lost media anyway?

Guys, seriously why all the fuss about things that got lost? Maybe they got lost for a reason, ya know? Like maybe they were so bad, the universe just swallowed 'em up. Ever think that maybe some things are meant to stay gone? lol
submitted 1 year ago by theaterthom


The Lost Tracks of 'Velvet Dreamer'

Heard of 'Velvet Dreamer'? They were a synthwave band right when the genre was picking up steam. Dropped one EP that got some underground buzz then fizzled out before they could finish their debut album. Rumor has it they handed out CD-Rs of their unreleased tracks at a gig in …
submitted 1 year ago by SynthWaveMaster


In Search of 'Silver Eyes' - The 1920s Silent Film

I've scoured archives and contacted private collectors, but *Silver Eyes* remains elusive. This 1927 silent horror film, directed by the enigmatic Victor H. Marek, was said to be ahead of its time in both narrative and special effects, with a story revolving around a cursed mirror. It was banned shortly …
submitted 1 year ago by reeltolost


Help me find Blip Blop!

I remember playing this game called Blip Blop on an old PC when we were kids. It was like a cheap Mario knockoff but with blobs or something. My bro swears it was real and it had like 50 levels. Can't find it anywhere tho. Was it a dream? Or …
submitted 1 year ago by blipblop404


Looking for that one album...

Need help, guys. There's this album I remember hearing as a kid, from some indie band called The Quirks, I think? It was super obscure, had this one track with a sick bass line that I can't get out of my head. Never got popular and the band just poof …
submitted 1 year ago by mysterymusicman


Scored a 'Star Chaser' VHS Tape!

Y'all won't believe it, I actually found a VHS copy of 'Star Chaser: The Legend Forgotten' at a yard sale. This bad boy was once a rental-exclusive and never made it to digital. I nearly lost it when I saw it, it was right there between some workout tapes and …
submitted 1 year ago by fuzzy_vhs


The Missing Episodes of Lunar Legend Tsukihime - Analysis

So, we all know about *Lunar Legend Tsukihime*, the anime from early 2000s based on the Visual Novel. But what not everyone knows is that there are actually 2 episodes that were planned and never aired. From my research, and confirmed by a few storyboard leaks, these episodes (which would …
submitted 1 year ago by ultimaidol


Can't find this song, been humming for years!

It's driving me insane! All I've got is this melody stuck in my head and some garbled lyrics. I think it's from an early 2000s indie band. Chorus goes like 'and we rise, like flames in the night' or something. No luck on Shazam. HEEEEELP!
submitted 1 year ago by mystery_track_fan


Looking for '90s cartoon, 'Space Explorers: The Lost Episodes'

hey everyone! been on a nostalgia trip and there's this show I remember watching as a kid called Space Explorers. i know most of it is out there but i heard rumors about 'lost episodes' from the last season that never aired. any1 got a clue?? would kill to watch …
submitted 1 year ago by cartoonlover1994


The Vanishing of 'Arcade Phantasm': The Untold Story

Alright, let's talk about 'Arcade Phantasm.' This was a game that allegedly existed in a few arcades around the Midwest in the late '80s, early '90s. It was supposedly a standard side-scrolling beat 'em up, but with bizarre and unsettling character designs. Legend has it the game's cabinet art featured …
submitted 1 year ago by phantom_arcade


ANYONE remembers 'Happy-Go-Lucky Pals'???

ok so childhood memories?? There was this show called 'Happy-Go-Lucky Pals' and it was like super colorful with these weird creatures that had powers based on emotions? I swear this was a real thing, my sibling and I watched it all the time. It looked cheap, kinda early 2000s CGI. …
submitted 1 year ago by 90skidnostalgia


Unearthed a box of mysterious unlabeled tapes!

Guys, hit the JACKPOT at a garage sale today. Found a dusty box full of old VHS tapes with no labels. Could be anything from old TV recordings, lost movies, or obscure documentaries. Going through them this weekend. Will update with any lost media I might find. Fingers crossed for …
submitted 1 year ago by VHSnostalgia82


Sooty & Sweep - Lost Pilot (2020)

In 2019, Netflix announced they were picking up the Sooty franchise in favor of a new series dedicated to preschoolers, produced by Silvergate Media and Blue Zoo. The pilot itself, titled Sooty & Sweep, was meant to kickstart a 26-episode series that would be renewed. The pilot was CGI and …
submitted 1 year ago by Whopper1


We can't let 'Yesterday's Heroes' fade into obscurity!

This is a call to action! The 80s indie film 'Yesterday's Heroes' was so impactful for me, but now I can't find hide nor hair of it ANYWHERE. It's like it's been erased from history. I refuse to let this piece of art disappear. Who's with me on starting a …
submitted 1 year ago by lost_films_rule


In-depth analysis: The elusive 'Carnival Capers' Pilot Episode

Let's talk about 'Carnival Capers,' a pilot pitched to several networks back in '87 but never got picked up. The episode supposedly featured revolutionary animation techniques and a bizarre, almost unsettling soundtrack that was ahead of its time. I managed to interview the creator, who hinted that only one VHS …
submitted 1 year ago by weirdtapeguy


Beta Build of 'Lunar Lander X-Treme' discovered on old dev kit

Epic find this week! Came across a dev kit for the Dreamcast in a relative's attic. Booted it up and found a beta build for 'Lunar Lander X-Treme'!!! Game was announced at E3 1999 but got canned before release. It's pretty buggy but it's a slice of gaming history. Will …
submitted 1 year ago by PixelHunter64


Silent Film Buffs! Ever heard of 'Tales of the Wandering Comet'?

yo guys, so ive been getting rly into silent films lately, & I came across a mention of this film called 'Tales of the Wandering Comet'. Apparently, it was super experimental with like, a spaceship & weird fantasy elements. Any film nerds got deets on this or know where to …
submitted 1 year ago by xXSilentFilmFanXx


Guys I found this weird old cartoon tape at my grandpa's, can't find info

found an old VHS tape labeled 'Magic Forest Adventures' in my grandpa's attic. It's a cartoon with like a bunch of talking animals saving their forest from a bulldozer dude? Art style screams early 90s but can't find ANYTHING online about it. Anyone heard of this or is it some …
submitted 1 year ago by mysterytapefinder


LOST: My Interest in This Sub

Yo, I lost something super precious – it’s my interest in all the lame posts here. Every1 is like 'oh, I found my grandma's lost sock puppet show on VHS, help me find more!' Like, who cares? Find something truly rare or don’t bother, ya bunch of history hoarders.
submitted 1 year ago by Mad_hatt3r_troll


Old Song by a Band Called The Whimsicals? Ever heard of 'em?

came across a mixtape at my local thrift store and there's this one song that hits just right. The tape label's faded but u can make out 'The Whimsicals'. It's got this indie/alternative vibe, kinda like early Radiohead. Anyone know where to find more of their stuff? A google search …
submitted 1 year ago by melancholicmelodies


Lost Issue: 'Mystery Man #27' from the 1940's

guys, my gramps used to tell me about this comic, 'Mystery Man #27,' he read as a kid. Said it was the coolest with the hero fighting against time-traveling nazis or something. Ive scoured the net & gotten zeros. Any comic book junkies got the DL on this?
submitted 1 year ago by GoldenAgeComicBro


Tor's Lost Onion Sites Pt 1

Here's a list of some Tor sites that are lost forever: ZeusMATIC - The site was an anonymous version of Reddit, without censors. DogDay - Illegal warez service for Bitcoin. Sky Video - A home video production company that had their own .onion site. They produced cartoons and movies for …
submitted 1 year ago by Whopper1


99! (Lost Disney Sitcom)

99! is a 2008-2011 sitcom produced by Jack Hargreaves for Disney Channel. The series follows a football team called West Beestings who work at a fast food restaurant. The series takes place at a local McDonald's (renamed Big Jimmy's to avoid copyright). Interestingly, this series has been lost since 2011, …
submitted 1 year ago by Whopper1


80s Cartoon 'Rocket Rangers' - Whole Season Missing

So who's heard of 'Rocket Rangers'? This cartoon from the 80s has virtually disappeared. Managed to find a few cells and a partial script for an episode, but we're talking about a full season out there just... gone. This show was ahead of its time, and it's a crime that …
submitted 1 year ago by ToonArchivist


Tracking Down 35mm Film Reels: A How-To

For those of you in pursuit of 35mm film reels of lost movies, let's talk strategy. First, network with projectionists – some of them squirreled away classics for private collections. Second, estate sales. You'd be surprised how often film reels are mistaken for junk. Lastly, if all else fails, reach …
submitted 1 year ago by FilmReelFrankie


Lost Sitcom Pilots? Do these ever surface?

Hey everyone, I’m kinda new here but does anyone ever come across those sitcom pilots that never made it past episode one? I've heard about a couple from the late 90s and it's wild to think there's shows out there with like only a single episode existing in some network …
submitted 1 year ago by WistfulWatcher


The Unsettling Episode of 'Candle Cove' That No One Can Find

Alright, hear me out. There was an episode of 'Candle Cove' that WAS NOT part of the main series - it had super creepy puppetry, more disturbing than the rest. People say it was a collective nightmare, but I swear I've seen it!!! If anyone has leads on this episode, …
submitted 1 year ago by CreepyPastaVHS


Searching for Lost 90s Cereal Box CD-ROM Games

Remember when cereal boxes would come with CD-ROM games inside? There was one with this awesome space adventure theme, came in a Trix or Cocoa Puffs box I think? I've turned my house inside out, it's like it vanished off the face of the Earth. If anyone still has a …
submitted 1 year ago by CerealBoxMovieBuff


Vinyl track missing from Spotify versions?!

I have this old record from The Psychedelic Furs that has an extra track that’s not on Spotify or any CD versions. It's a gem, sounds way different than their popular hits, kinda got that dark underground vibe ya know? I can't be the only one who's noticed the missing …
submitted 1 year ago by AnalogAudioFiend


The Hunt for 'Project Dream' - 1990s Rare Game

Hey guys, been on the trail of 'Project Dream', that old game Rare was supposed to make before Banjo-Kazooie. There's gotta be some prototype or demo out there. Finding footage or a ROM of this would be legendary. Anyone here with ties to Rare who might have some inside scoop?
submitted 1 year ago by PixelatedMystery


Old School VHS that Disappeared?!

yo remember those weird old VHS tapes that had like, random cartoons from the 80s and mix of commercials, right? one I had as a kid had this superhero but in like clay animation style, it came with a happy meal or somethin, can't find it ANYWHERE now tho. anybody …
submitted 1 year ago by VHSnostalgia91


Obscure Soviet-era silent film uncovered - possible lead!

During my travels I stumbled upon a lead for 'Shadows in Silence', a thought-to-be-lost Soviet-era silent film. An older gentleman in a remote village claims his grandfather worked on the set and kept a personal copy. It's a long shot and will require some difficult negotiations to see, but this …
submitted 1 year ago by forgottenfilmguru


FOUND: Old recording of 'The Midnight Show'!!!

Not sure if this is the place, but I just found an old recording of 'The Midnight Show' from 1974 on reel-to-reel in my grandpa's basement. It's a cult TV program that was thought to be completely lost!! No idea how to transfer this to digital but wanted to share …
submitted 1 year ago by analogkid


The Elusive First Episode of 'Northwest Mysteries'

It's a long shot, but I've been on the quest to find the pilot episode of 'Northwest Mysteries' for YEARS. It's like this investigative show about paranormal stuff in Oregon and Washington state. Heard it got too spooky and they canned it after just one airing. If anyone else is …
submitted 1 year ago by PilotEpisodeManiac


Those ads with the catchy jingles, y'know?

man, i've had this jingle stuck in my head for days, it was all over the radio in the early 2000s, for some local car dealership or something, super annoying but also kinda iconic u know? anyone else trying to track down old commercial jingles nobody else seems to remember …
submitted 1 year ago by lostsoundwave