I remember my father (who got deceased and replaced by a new one) watching this puppet series when he was young. The series focused on Billy Bean operating a cartoon making machine and he also operated a train. It is a British counterpart of another lost puppet series with the same plot, Jolly Gene and His Fun Machine. There was also an action figure of Billy Bean. The series was dedicated to young children. I don't think the series has ever reran, let alone reairing on BBC 2 or CBBC or CBeebies or being available on BBC's vault.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1
Hey, I collect old VHS tapes and sometimes come across the most random things. No 'Billy Bean' in my collection yet, but I'm always hunting. Will definitely keep an eye out for this, it’s exactly the kind of thing I live for. Also, check auction sites regularly, you never know when something might surface.
It's incredibly sad how much of puppet history is lost to time. 'Billy Bean' sounds like it would've been amazing to see. I do recreations of old puppet shows using descriptions and stills I find. If there's ANY material out there—even promotional images or scripts—I'd love to add this show to my project.
I agree. I remember Billy Bean airing in the early 1960s on a defunct American television station I don't remember the name of. It also got dubbed in some languages if I remember correctly.
dubbed versions you say? My uncle speaks about a French version he watched as a kid. Its crazy to think how wide the show reached and yet it's like finding a needle in a haystack now.
Liar liar pants for hire. The French dub didn't exist. Instead, there only existed a Persian dub.
Fascinating debate on the dubs! I've been digging through archives and reaching out to collectors globally. No French or Persian dub surfaces yet. But the journey's half the fun, right? Any lead, no matter how small, could be the break we're looking for. Persistence is key in the lost media world!
I've scoured countless threads and there's zero tangible evidence of a French dub. I’ll eat my hat if someone finds it. A Persian version makes sense given the distribution patterns back then, but French? Unlikely. If any of u find anything legit, I'll be first in line to apologize!
Billy Bean's reach was international, and it wouldn't be a shock if a French version did exist. Remember, during those times, records weren't kept as rigorously. It's entirely possible that a French dub was made and lost over time. These things often resurface in the least expected places. Let's not dismiss possibilities without more proof.
Persian dub only? Not saying you're wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were a few more dubs out there. Shows like this often got more exposure than we realize. If there was an American dub, who's to say the French didn't have their hands on it? Someone here must've dug up something, right?
From what I’ve gathered, Billy Bean and His Funny Machine was quite an innovative show for its time. The puppeteering was ahead of its era. Heard it got broadcast in fragments on local American stations which explains your memory. They usually did that with lesser-known British imports in the U.S. then. Wish we had more than grainy stills, though. The action figure is a gem for any collector if you can verify its authenticity.
sounds like a hoax to me, never heard of either of these series and I've been around the block. action figure? in the 50s? hmmm...
I don't think it was a hoax. I remember my deceased old father listening to the theme song before the episode began. It went like "Billy Bean built a machine to see what it could do, he made it out of sticks and stones, nuts and bolts and glue. The motor sang Chuffaty Bang, Rattata Rattatarator, and all of a sudden a picture appeared in the funny old cartoonerator". And I remember the plots of the episodes being hilarious, and I think there were either 3 or 4 seasons when it aired from 1953 to 1957.
There's something about 'Billy Bean and His Funny Machine' that has echos of other popular puppet shows of the 50s. The storyline is reminiscent of 'Watch With Mother', but definitely unique enough. For anyone really interested in digging this up, it might be worth reaching out to some of the older puppeteers or anyone involved in children's TV productions at the time. Long shot, but maybe someone has off-air recordings or remembers production details.
Gosh, those lyrics bring back memories! My grandpa used to hum that tune sometimes. Wasn't there a skit where Billy Bean's machine popped out a cartoon dinosaur or something? Hilarious! 🤣 Lost media always has this mystical charm, doesn't it? We're like detectives trying to piece together a puzzle from the past. I'm gonna dig around, see if my grandpa still has any merch or recordings stashed.
idk...sounds fishy to me, 4 seasons and completely lost? I get stuff from the 50s is hard to find but not even a single episode or clip? And no reruns ever? You’d think the BBC would’ve at least kept some sort of record or mention of it. Makes me wonder if we're chasing ghosts here.
I do remember plans for a revival in the mid to late 90s that was supposed to be similar to PJ Katie's Farm where Billy Bean and Yoo Hoo the bird were depicted as plasticine characters while a live action man would appear around them. It would have aired on Treehouse TV.
What if, and hear me out, what if this Billy Bean thing is like a collective memory trick? A show so vanilla it got created in our heads from bits of other stuff we watched as kids. There's gotta be a reason it vanished without a trace, something doesn't add up!
This is PuppetProf stepping in! The revival talk is actually a strong lead. See, if Treehouse considered a reboot, there must have been materials, even simple marketing assets, rediscovered then. I'm thinking contracts, correspondence, or storyboard art. These items might be in a broadcaster’s archive or a private collector's hands. Would anyone here have contact with Treehouse TV or access to their archival content? That's a stone unturned, and it could crack this wide open.
I’ve done quite a bit of digging around, and while hard evidence is scarce, there are always leads to follow in lost media hunts. It's not uncommon for shows from the 50s to have fallen through the cracks, especially with how archival practices have changed. But the lack of any promotional material or merchandise sightings (apart from anecdotal) is intriguing. If the show existed, was it maybe a regional broadcast, less likely to be preserved? It requires deep investigation into local archives and perhaps private collections. Have any of you folks tried reaching out to relatives of people who worked in TV during that era?
Honestly, I'm a bit skeptical like some of y'all here. 4 full seasons and no trace? But I do wanna believe it's out there somewhere, this stuff is like our holy grail. Maybe the series wasn’t cataloged properly, or suffered from poor archival practices back then. The BBC’s gotta have something, even a script or production stills, right? Has anyone tried reaching out to them or maybe even old employees?
The theme song lyrics really jog my memory! For something that aired half a century ago, it's pretty impressive it's stuck with us. If there were 3 or 4 seasons, there's gotta be more people who remember or even some physical copies lying around. Maybe in old BBC archives or personal collections. Those action figures could be a clue too, might turn up on eBay or in some collector's stash.
I've heard of 'Billy Bean' before; it's indeed very obscure. Given the era it was produced, the lack of reruns isn't surprising—many shows from that time were simply not preserved. Your best bet might be to contact the British Film Institute or look into private collections and estate sales. Sometimes families of crew members inadvertantly end up with copies or memorabilia.