Lost Media - "Crazy Cat" (1999-2001 Puppet Show)

This series used to air during the early 2000s and late 90s on Treehouse TV. The series was originally a short interstitial series that aired on Nick Jr. in 1998. Then, Treehouse picked up the interstitials (the interstitials lasted for a minute) and reworked it into an 11-minute series of the same name.

The series revolved around a puppet cat (who shared the name as the show) living in an attic where he and his toys would play together some "new games" he would find at the attic. The cat had a squeaky voice, while the other characters had a grown up voice.

The series aired on Treehouse TV in Canada, GMTV Kids in the UK, PBS Kids in the USA, and ABC Kids in Australia. The series also received dubs in Polish, Spanish, and French. Only 11 episodes have been surfaced in English, and 10 in Polish. The rest of the dubs have been lost.

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


I remember the series lasting for 52 11-minute episodes and 10 interstitial episodes. Then it was revived in 2004 as a direct to video movie called Crazy Cat Goes to Hollywood (which is currently lost) and also a musical called Crazy Cat: The Musical (which is also lost).

9 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Crazy Cat more like Lazy Cat 😂 I remember this show being just some cheap puppet shenanigans... bet the movie is just 90 mins of a cat batting at a toy mouse. No wonder this stuff is lost, who'd wanna keep it?

9 months, 1 week ago by VHS_Vandal


I've been deep in the trenches of lost media archives and I'd like to confirm that the 'Crazy Cat Goes to Hollywood' flick is registered in several catalogues but with no physical or digital copies resurfacing. As for the musical, it's even more rare. There were a couple of playbills floating around online from the musical's promotional materials, but other than that, it's ghost media. If anyone has theater archives or contacts, they might be worth tapping into.

9 months, 1 week ago by ToonTracker


Wait, there was a movie AND a musical? Crazy Cat was wild lol. I only remember the show vaguely, that attic and the toys. Pretty obscure memory but now I wanna see the musical. It's so sad that these pieces of media just vanish. Does anyone have any leads at all?

9 months, 1 week ago by PixelPreserver


I also remember the Crazy Cat toyline made by Hasbro, and also a 2008 Nintendo DS video game. The toyline has been completely lost (no listings or images of the toys have been surfaced), and the video game is lost too (all that remains is gameplay on YouTube).

9 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


movie and musical were both garbage tier who cares lmao? should've stayed lost, my dudes 😂

9 months, 1 week ago by RetroPuppetMaster


OMG, I do remember the attic setup!! Wasn't there an episode with that old chest and they found some sort of ancient board game??? 🤔 That ep was lit! Btw just joined and sad to see all this stuff is gone 😭

9 months, 1 week ago by AtticCatFan


Yeah, that DS game was a pretty basic platformer from what I recall. It's a pity about the toy line though. Hasbro usually keeps archives, which is weird it’s not found. I've been diving into old retail catalogs and contacting former Hasbro employees for any info. So far, I hit a couple of dead ends, but I'm still trying. Those toys gotta be out there somewhere, maybe someone's old attic or basement even. If anyone has old Toy'R'Us receipts or catalogs from that era, could be a lead?

9 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaNerd92


There was a Macy's Wishlist from 2000 that had these listings (no images, just text):

  1. Crazy Cat My First Plush Cat - Hasbro
  2. Crazy Cat Monopoly - Hasbro Gaming
  3. Crazy Cat DVD - Walt Disney Home Video
  4. Crazy Cat: The Little Golden Storybook - Little Golden Book franchise
9 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


I REFUSE to believe there's not a single Crazy Cat My First Plush out there. Someone must've held onto it, right? This hunt is killing me, it's like we're chasing ghosts. Seriously considering putting up a reward for anyone who can find some of these toys.

9 months, 1 week ago by TheRealCrazyCatFan


It's wild that a whole toyline just vanishes into thin air. Hasbro's archive might be the key, but good luck getting access if you're not in the industry. I've been collecting toys for ages and the best finds are usually at flea markets, or sometimes small local toy stores that don't update their inventory often. You gotta dig deep and keep at it. Keep us posted on any finds!

9 months, 1 week ago by ToyHunterX


Wow, this takes me back! Those plush toys were everywhere. Can't believe there's none to be found now. Disney usually keeps a tight lid on their releases, so the missing Crazy Cat DVD is kinda odd. Might be a longshot but have you tried reaching out to Disney's consumer products division? They might have some info in their archives, or maybe even a copy stashed away.

9 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaNerd87


Awh snap, I totally remember seeing that Macy’s catalog. I was obssessed with Crazy Cat back then, it never occurred to me that the DVDs or the Monopoly could have become lost media. Maybe try hitting up some collectors or checking out eBay for those old catalogs. You never know what might pop up.

9 months, 1 week ago by CatCollector93


Huh, the game imo wasn't even that great, but the fact it’s lost makes it kinda epic now? I never got my hands on the DS game but remember those poor graphics it had? Seems like stuff that was mediocre at best becomes legendary when u can't find it anymore. Kinda gives it a mystique. Anyone who got info on that or the toyline would become instant heroes here.

9 months, 1 week ago by MemoryHunterX


omg, Crazy Cat Goes to Hollywood was my childhood jam. I can't believe it's considered lost media now...😭 I actually think my cousin might have had a VHS copy of the musical. Gotta call them later to check, it would be insane if we found it.

9 months, 1 week ago by AtticExplorer


This is fascinating, considering the dub work done. The Spanish dubbing industry is huge and generally keeps good records. I wonder if an episode guide exists; it might help to reach out to dub actors who have a deeper insight into lost works. They might recall something useful or even have leads on where to find these elusive recordings.

9 months, 1 week ago by Spaniard4LostDubs


I used to love this show as a kid! His squeaky voice was super funny to me, can't believe it's so hard to find now. Wasn't Treehouse pretty diligent about keeping archives? There must be some way to get those episodes.

9 months, 1 week ago by memories_of_treehouse


Shows like 'Crazy Cat' fall into such a frustrating category of lost media. I've been in touch with broadcasters before to ask about archives, and it's shocking how often things weren't kept properly. Does anyone know if the creators or puppeteers involved with the show have been contacted? They sometimes have personal copies or behind-the-scenes footage.

9 months, 1 week ago by ArchiveAngel


Crazy Cat was creepy, lol, probably hiding in your attic right now 😂

9 months, 1 week ago by just_some_troll_lol


I'm actually from Poland originally, and I still have connections back home who are into old TV shows like this. Last I heard, someone found a few more Polish episodes but they're not sharing publicly cause of copyright concerns. Legally murky stuff. I'll reach out and see if I can get any more info.

9 months, 1 week ago by PolishGuyInCanada


The hunt for 'Crazy Cat' episodes has been pretty intense among lost media collectors. A lot of the Treehouse TV shows from that era seem to have disappeared into the abyss. I would suggest reaching out to collectors of children's television memorabilia; sometimes they have recordings that never surface online. Always keep an eye on online auction sites too, you never know when someone's going to list a tape with lost episodes recorded on it.

9 months, 1 week ago by MediaHunter101


no way, I totally remember Crazy Cat! It's been ages since I thought about that show. Pretty sure my parents still have some VHS tapes of Treehouse stuff, there might be episodes on them. Will have to check next time I visit

9 months, 1 week ago by PuppetFan88


Crazy Cat was part of my childhood. Can't believe so many episodes are just... gone. It's sad how much stuff from back in the day just wasn't preserved. Holding onto hope that this gem doesn't stay lost forever.

9 months, 1 week ago by KidVidMemories


The Spanish dub is the holy grail for me. I know it's a long shot but if anyone comes across it please hit me up. I've got a collection of other lost media dubs I'd be willing to trade. And for the Polish episodes, maybe reach out to TV stations in Poland? They might have back catalogs or old recordings.

9 months, 1 week ago by Desperado_for_Dubs


To anyone seeking more leads: It might be worthwhile to visit local libraries in the cities where Crazy Cat aired. Especially university collections. They occasionally have media archives with rare materials that were donated for educational purposes. I've had luck in the past with this approach. Persistence is key!

9 months, 1 week ago by CassetteArchiver


I never heard of Crazy Cat but it sounds so cute! Wish there were reruns. New to this sub, how often does lost media like this get found?

9 months, 1 week ago by PurryFiction


Crazy Cat? Sounds like another trash show that didn’t survive the test of time, there's a reason some stuff gets lost, folks 😂

9 months, 1 week ago by toon_troll


Hey, I've been looking for Crazy Cat eps for ages. It's a white whale for sure. Have you checked out those old media trade forums? Sometimes collectors there have the most obscure stuff. Also, have we reached out to anyone who worked on the series? Set designers, voice actors, etc. sometimes have personal archives.

9 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaHunter94


Interesting fact about Crazy Cat—the show utilized a unique form of stringless marionette puppetry that was quite advanced for its time. This allowed for more fluid movements, which was pretty innovative. It's a shame that it's become lost media because it played a role in evolving puppetry on TV. If I recall correctly, there were some issues with the original production company, leading to disputes over rights, and that's part of why it's so hard to find copies now.

9 months, 1 week ago by PuppetAfficionado


omg, I remember Crazy Cat! Super nostalgic. I think my parents still have some VHS tapes from when i was a kid. Gonna have to do some attic digging of my own lol. If i find anything, i'll defs share on here!

9 months, 1 week ago by RetroTVfan1985