The Mysterious Case of 'The Adventures of Batman' Lost Episode

Been scouring every corner of the earth (literally the internet) for any trace of 'The Adventures of Batman' episode that's been lost to time. You know, the 1968 series, right? So there's this specific episode titled 'A Sweet Joke on Gotham City' that's eluded every collector’s library I've chatted with. Digging through old forums, contacting former network employees—no dice, man. If anyone’s got the slightest lead or even a shabby recording from an ancient VCR tape… hit me up. We're talking serious nostalgia resurrection mission here!

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by vintagemaniac92


Listen, I've been around this block. The thing about lost episodes, they pop up where you least expect 'em. Consider putting out ads in collector mags or comic book forums. Someone might be sitting on this ep without even realizing it's a gem. Keep us posted. We're all rooting for this find!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by ComicConnoisseur


Analog tech junkie here & I repair old VCRs. Seen all kinds of weird stuff come through my shop. If you got a tape but it's damaged or won't play, maybe I can help out. Just a thought in case you find something.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by AnalogAngel


new here, but totally into this hunt. is there an episode group on fb or somewhere we can team up on this? gotta be somebody out there who knows smthn.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by ToonSeeker101


You're on the right track with old forums, but don't overlook digitized newspaper archives. Sometimes local papers ran TV schedules that could lead to someone who recorded it. Also, have you checked international leads? Batman was syndicated globally, so the lost episode might be sitting in another language somewhere. Your best bet is persistence, dude.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by RetroRick


lmao imagine spending all your time looking for a kids' cartoon episode. Get a life bro

9 months, 3 weeks ago by JokesterTroll


Digital archivist here. Have you considered reaching out to non-profit organizations focused on media preservation? Sometimes they have obscure recordings or can point you to private collectors. Additionally, university archives might have a copy, especially if there was a media studies department active around that time. Takes a bit of networking and luck but don't give up just yet!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by PixelSleuth


Hey, long shot but have u tried reaching out to local TV stations from back in the day? Some of these places have archives collecting dust. Worth a try if u ask me.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by VCRHunter


Bro, 'A Sweet Joke on Gotham City' is like the holy grail for us Batfans. Last I heard, some collector in Japan had like a 5-second clip, but it turned out to be fake. So bummed out rn. Keep the faith, we gotta find it!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Batfan1968