_STRANGE DAYS_ Zine - '89 to '92 NYC Punk Scene

Hey! First time posting here. I've been losing my mind tryna find this super obscure zine called STRANGE DAYS. It was all about the NYC punk scene from '89 thru '92. Had interviews, doodles, gig flyers. I've checked used bookstores, online forums, even contacted old school punks. If somebody's sitting on a stash of these, lemme know!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ZineSceneQueen


Just got into collecting old scene memorabilia. I don't have STRANGE DAYS, but this makes me want it! Hope someone here can help you out, and if they do, maybe they'll have a second copy? Fingers crossed!

1 year, 2 months ago by SceneKid90


As a zine maker, I'm always lookin for inspiration and STRANGE DAYS is legendary. Never got my mitts on a copy tho. Have you tried reaching out to zine libraries? Some of them got rare stuff tucked away. The ABC No Rio in NYC might help, they've got a zine library and punk roots. Worth a shot!

1 year, 2 months ago by InkStainedHands


Been through a hundred shops and haven't seen a single issue of STRANGE DAYS. You might as well try to find original Woodstock tapes at a flea market. But who knows, miracles happen sometimes.

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroRager


Hey! I’m big into the zine scene, usually swap at zine fests. Never seen STRANGE DAYS in the flesh but I’ve heard the myths. Got some contacts who might know more, will hit them up. It’s the long shot we live for, right?

1 year, 2 months ago by diggindeep


lol why bother? anything that old is probably disintegrated into dust or turned into a mouse nest. punk's dead and so is your zine.

1 year, 2 months ago by xXxDistortedxXx


STRANGE DAYS takes me back... those doodles were sick, the kind of stuff you'd want tattooed. Flyers were pieces of history. If that stash is out there, it's buried deep in someone's attic under decades of dust and memories. You're doing the lord's work trying to unearth it!

1 year, 2 months ago by nostalgia_punk


Oh man, STRANGE DAYS is a white whale in the zine community! I only know one person who might have a copy but no guarantees. These were usually passed around at shows and few thought to keep them in good shape. I'll reach out and see if there's anything left but don't get your hopes up too high.

1 year, 2 months ago by PunkArchivist


i remember strange days!! had some rad interviews. super DIY and low print runs made it hard to find even back then. good luck on your hunt, i'll keep an eye out at local shops and let you know if i spot any.

1 year, 2 months ago by anarchy_in_nyc