The Great 'London After Midnight' Search Continues

Since we're all about uncovering lost media here, I thought I'd throw in a classic: 'London After Midnight' - the Holy Grail of lost films. Directed by Tod Browning in 1927, it's probably one of the most famous lost silent films. Rumor has it that the last known copy was destroyed in the MGM vault fire of '67. Has anyone ever come across any stills, promotional materials, or God forbid, footage? Let's crack this century-old mystery open!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by silentmovieaficionado


Found the film. It was on the MGM Vault. Then I watched it. Unfortunately, the film wasn't released online.

1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Sure you did, and my uncle works at Nintendo. Pics or it didn't happen, mate.

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinAintEasy


omg seriously, you watched it? Can't believe that you would just drop a bomb like that, and not share the vid or at least some stills...

1 year, 3 months ago by VintageVHS


Highly skeptical here. The loss of 'London After Midnight' is well-documented, and any discovery would be a significant event in film history, triggering wide media coverage. MGM's inventory control systems before and after the fire have been combed through by experts for decades. Any claim of possession should be backed by concrete evidence. Otherwise, it's just another rumor adding to the mystique of this lost classic.

1 year, 3 months ago by SilentMovieManiac


Wait, what? You FOUND it? Dude, that's insane if it's true. So many people been lookin' for London After Midnight forever. Any chance of more deets? Where in the vault, how'd you even get access, and is there any hope for a public release or what? This could be massive news, we need more info!

1 year, 3 months ago by CinemaSleuth


I actually found it. I've actually got access to the MGM Vault, where they would keep the last ever copy of London After Midnight on a cage. They opened the cage, and they would give me access. There were spies giving me access to the film and I watched it while the spies were laughing and saying some nonsense.

1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Guys, imagine if this wasn't a wild goose chase and the movie was really found. Like, we'd finally see that Lon Chaney performance in all its glory. Someone get on this! I wanna believe but you're gonna have to dish out way more proof. Post pics or something... a treasure like that shouldn't stay buried. #LondonAfterMidnightRevival?

1 year, 3 months ago by VaultHunter101


Alright, let's pump the brakes here. Any cinephile knows MGM's security is no joke. A vault find of this magnitude would be all over the news, not to mention legal issues up the wazoo. You watched it 'while spies laughed'? What is this, a B movie? I’ll need more than a fantastical story before I start celebrating.

1 year, 3 months ago by ClassicCinemaSkeptic


OMG, can you imagine if it's true tho? London After Midnight is like the biggest white whale out there! But yeah, the 'spies' and stuff do sound way out there. Any chance you've got some pics or anything concrete? Would love to actually solve this one 🎬🔍

1 year, 3 months ago by CelluloidDreamer92


Hmm, your description sounds super sketchy, ngl. Why would MGM keep the film in a cage, and who are these so-called 'spies'? I've been chasin' this movie for decades, and nothing's ever been that simple. I'm callin' shenanigans until proven otherwise. If anyone else got dirt, spill it!

1 year, 3 months ago by SilentMovieManiac


There's something almost poetic about the most sought-after lost film being something as gothic as ‘London After Midnight’. I dream of seeing Lon Chaney’s masterful work. Even if no footage is ever found, the mystery itself is a beautiful tribute to the silent era and its secrets.

1 year, 3 months ago by CelluloidDreamer


U guys still believe that a copy exists? Wake up, vampires aren’t real and neither is an intact 'London After Midnight'. LOL

1 year, 3 months ago by TheRealVampireHunter


An interesting tidbit for those obsessed with ‘London After Midnight’—several serious attempts have been made to locate this film, including by dedicated archivists such as Rick Schmidlin. Unfortunately, the 1967 MGM vault fire represents one of the most tragic losses in film history. Not just for 'London After Midnight', but countless other films. Keep in mind, though, silent films were on highly flammable nitrate film stock, leading to numerous fires and losses even before the 60s. It’s a miracle we have any footage from that time at all.

1 year, 3 months ago by NitrateGhosts


I'd give my left arm to find a copy of that film. It kills me thinking about all the lost art from that era. Every time I hit an estate sale, I'm secretly hoping I'm about to crack the case wide open and be a hero to film buffs everywhere. 🎥🕵️‍♂️

1 year, 3 months ago by VaultHunter101


Every1 keeps talking about this film, but I’ll believe it exists when I see it. So many rumors, so little proof. Maybe it’s better left to the imagination? Sometimes the legend is cooler than the actual thing.

1 year, 3 months ago by LonChaneyJr


Greetings fellow film aficionado. I have been researching Tod Browning's works for some years and ‘London After Midnight’ continues to baffle me. It's said that the film wasn't particularly revolutionary in terms of narrative or technique, which may contribute to the scant effort put forth by institutions for recovery. However, the cultural significance cannot be overstated. There exists a handful of rare production stills, most of which have circulated online, but footage is indeed the Holy Grail. My personal theory? It's out there, in someone's private collection, waiting to see the light of day.

1 year, 3 months ago by TodBrowningFan


This movie has become kind of a myth, dude. There’s a reconstruction out there made from stills and the original script, but it's just not the same. Every year or so you hear whispers of a copy being found, but they always turn out to be fake news or just wishful thinking. I won’t lie, it’s the top of my wishlist for lost media finds!

1 year, 3 months ago by HorrorHoarder666


‘London After Midnight’ is such an enigma, isn’t it?! I keep hoping someone in the middle of Nowhere, USA will find a copy in their grandma’s attic. What I wouldn’t give to see Chaney’s performance in motion instead of the stills we’ve been left with.

1 year, 3 months ago by SpookyFilmBuff