Lost TV channels I couldn't find any screenshots of

I remember there being numerous TV channels on DIRECTV. And I didn't get a chance to watch them. I remember the owner of those channels, "Neuron Media", filing for bankruptcy after their recording equipment got destroyed and they had to close all of these channels. No screenshot of these channels were ever surfaced.

  1. Baby Bonus HD (TV channel for babies, broadcasted baby cartoons and baby shows)
  2. Crime Scene HD (TV channel dedicated to crime series and crime movies)
  3. Adventurist HD (TV channel dedicated to adventure movies)
  4. Joker HD (TV channel dedicated to stand up shows and comedy sitcoms)
  5. Invisible Man HD (TV channel dedicated to horror movies)
  6. Roll HD (TV channel dedicated to teenagers)
  7. Smile HD (TV channel, unknown purpose, I think they played music 24 hours)

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Neuron Media? More like Neuron Amateur, am I right? Lmao, how do you not have a single screenshot of your own channels? Bet they used to record over old tapes, classic cheap move.

1 year, 3 months ago by digital_hoarder


Adventurist HD was underrated. Had quality adventure flicks from all eras, even the classics. It's a real shame Neuron Media went under without backing up their content. There’s a certain responsibility to preserve these channels' legacies but seems like they dropped the ball hard. If anyone's got leads on archived footage, it could be a community effort to restore a piece of history.

1 year, 3 months ago by Adventurer_spirit


Dude, Joker HD was the bomb! They played this one stand-up special I can't find anywhere else, kills me that I can't remember the comedian's name… or find any footage from the channel. This is the kinda stuff you want to relive and share, y’know?

1 year, 3 months ago by LOL_StandUp


Ok, so Roll HD was for teens? Never heard of it. What did they even air? Were they like MTV or something?

1 year, 3 months ago by teenage_wasteland


Invisible Man HD was my go-to channel during Halloween. Their horror movie lineup was legit and not just the typical mainstream stuff, some real hidden gems. It's so frustrating that they seemingly just got wiped from existence. Like, how does everything about a channel just disappear into thin air?

1 year, 3 months ago by spooked_out


I vaguely remember Smile HD, weren’t they the ones that had those cute animated music videos playing at like late nights? My little cousin used to fall asleep to that channel when she visited. She’d love to see it again. Shame there's nothing to show for it, this stuff is like a gold mine for nostalgia.

1 year, 3 months ago by joyful_noise


Crime Scene HD was the best! Pretty bummed I can't find anything on it either. Spent countless nights binging on those crime series, they had a good selection that wasn't mainstream. It's been years and still no screenshots? Someone's gotta have something stashed, right? You'd think with the internet, nothing can stay lost forever.

1 year, 3 months ago by truecrimejunkie247


Man, Baby Bonus HD sounds familiar. Grew up with lots of siblings and pretty sure it was on a lot when we were all really young. Kinda hits you in the feels when this stuff just vanishes without a trace. Would've loved to see some of those old shows again for the memories. Anyone know if there's like a lost episode somewhere out there?

1 year, 3 months ago by cartoon_buff83