Remember "Amazin' Chicken"?

This was a small American chain of restaurants that operated exclusively in Mississippi. There were 20 locations of Amazin' Chicken, all of them had a statue of a chicken with an engraved Amazin' Chicken slogan: "We fry happiness". I remember the menu having fried chicken, burgers with chicken instead of beef patties, tacos, french fries, sauces, and you won't believe it...DEEP FRIED CANDY? I didn't hear about this food before.

I think they operated between the late 80s and sometime in 2003-2004. Then they were bought by another chicken restaurant I can't remember the name of, and they were closed.

I can't seem to find any images of this closed restaurant chain. I was able to find reviews of it on Yelp and Foursquare.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Some say the chicken wasn’t even that amazin’. Maybe it’s better left forgotten? There's something fishy about a place disappearing without a trace. Someone’s gotta know more. Yelp and Foursquare reviews just ain’t enough!

1 year, 3 months ago by ChickenChaser2004


I’ve got a thing for lost media and memorabilia. Tried looking for Amazin' Chicken commercials on those old VHS compilation sites but no luck. It's like they scrubbed themselves from history.

1 year, 3 months ago by lost_median


I swear I remember seeing an Amazin' Chicken location on an old road trip. Never went in, biggest regret. Deep fried candy's actually a fairground staple, isnt it? Those guys were ahead of the curve.

1 year, 3 months ago by SauceBoss93


The whole Amazin' Chicken ordeal is wild. I've been compiling a list of lost fast food joints and these guys are on it. Rumor has it there’s a storage locker in Tupelo with one of those chicken statues, but who knows. Would be a holy grail for collectors.

1 year, 3 months ago by retro_grub_spotter


We fry happiness – except when we fry YOUR happiness by closing down, lol. Was the deep-fried candy a fever dream? Sounds too wild to be true. Got any evidence it existed?

1 year, 3 months ago by MississippiMadman


Sounds familiar, I’ve read about Amazin' Chicken in a blog discussing defunct restaurant chains. They closed down due to financial issues if I recall correctly. Might've been economic downturns. Chain restaurants have it tough out there.

1 year, 3 months ago by historichungry


DEEP FRIED CANDY at Amazin' Chicken was the BOMB! I swear that place had some of the best greasy comfort food I've ever tasted. Too bad it's gone, everything's getting overrun by those big chains.

1 year, 3 months ago by deepfriedfanatic


Oh man, Amazin' Chicken brings back memories! I totally forgot about those statues, what a blast from the past. Never tried the deep-fried candy though, kinda regret it now. Anyone got pics?

1 year, 3 months ago by cluckyclucker