Obscure 90s Band 'Azura Skye'

Has anyone ever heard of 'Azura Skye'? They were this short-lived band from the late 90s, had like one hit that I remember hearing on the radio all the time. Their CD is impossible to find now, and their label went out of business. It's such a lost gem and I’m starting to think I might've dreamt the whole thing up. If you’ve got a lead, or heck, even remember them, please share!

Submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by retrospeedster


Azura Skye sounds so familiar, wasn't there a character named Azura in a video game?? Or was that from the 2000s? Anyway, nothing like a mystery band to make me procrastinate for hours on the net. I'm totally down for this rabbit hole!

7 months, 1 week ago by JustAGamerDude


Hey, I worked as a radio DJ during the 90s and Azura Skye definitely rings a bell. They were a one-hit wonder but the song didn't quite stick with me. I might have something in the radio archives. Give me some time to look and I'll update this thread. No promises, but there's always hope!

7 months, 1 week ago by MidnightRadioDJ


This is wild, I was just talking about them the other day! Thought I was the only one who remembered them. That one hit was a classic, used to jam out to it with the windows down. I never had the CD, but I’ll see if I have any old mixtapes lying around with their song on it.

7 months, 1 week ago by EchoesOfThePast


lol, Azura Skye? Sound like some made-up band from an alternate universe where the 90s never ended 😂 Good luck finding your unicorn CD.

7 months, 1 week ago by Trollinator3000


Azura Skye... ah yes, a true gem lost in time. I have a faint memory of their vinyl sleeve, something abstract and blue? Their music was the epitome of the 90s vibe, that much I remember. I'll check my local vinyl shops; some of them have unsold stacks of obscure records. No promises, but this is the kind of quest I live for.

7 months, 1 week ago by VintageVinylVince


Never heard of them before, but now u got me curious lol, gonna follow this thread

7 months, 1 week ago by Lurker921


I consider myself a bit of a music archivist and the name Azura Skye definitely rings a bell. Didn’t they have that one song with the wicked guitar riff? I might have an old industry catalog with their label's listings. Give me a day or two to dig through my archives and I'll get back to you. Fingers crossed!

7 months, 1 week ago by RecordCollectorRick


Omg, Azura Skye... that takes me back! I swear I had their CD at some point, or maybe it was a mixtape a friend made? Their single was a banger, used to hear it at every party. Can't for the life of me find anything online tho, seems like they've been wiped off the face of the earth! If anyone has that track or album, pls share, dying to hear it again!

7 months, 1 week ago by 90sMusicManiac