Lost Local Public Access Shows

Hey, new here. I just got into collecting old VHS tapes of public access shows. Found some gems but I’m really trying to find 'Midnight Philosophy' which ran on channel 6 at some point in the late 90s? It was this wacky mash-up of philosophy talks and local bands playing. If anyone's got tapes or even remembers it, hit me up please!

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by TapeTrader93


wow, collecting old public access shows? is watching paint dry your other hobby or what?

10 months, 1 week ago by MediocreTroll


Heard whispers of 'Midnight Philosophy' from other collectors but never seen it myself. Best bet is to check with local historical societies or libraries in the area. Also, shout out to any local Facebook groups. You’d be surprised what old shows people have hanging around in their attics.

10 months, 1 week ago by TapeWormJim


Lol, good luck with that. Public access was the original YouTube—tons of random shows nobody thought to save. But yeah, channel 6... that's a flashback. I remember some wild shows, but not 'Midnight Philosophy'. If it was any good, probably someone recorded over it with 'Friends' reruns.

10 months, 1 week ago by SnarkyVHS


This is a tough one. Public access stuff is always hit or miss with preservation. I’ve got an extensive catalog, but 'Midnight Philosophy' has eluded even me. Got an email list with other collectors, will put out an APB. No promises; this is like finding a needle in a haystack.

10 months, 1 week ago by ChronoCollector


OMG yes! 'Midnight Philosophy' was part of what got me into studying philosophy in uni! So rad to hear someone else knows about it. I used to watch it with my older bro but no tapes tho 😅. Hope u find it, that show deserves more love.

10 months, 1 week ago by philocrazy


Channel 6's programming logs from the 90s are a treasure trove, but 'Midnight Philosophy' is a real deep cut. It didn't run for long if I recall correctly. I might have a mate who traded a recording of it back in the day. I'll have to rummage through old e-mails but I’ll let you know if I dig up anything.

10 months, 1 week ago by deepcutsandrarerips


Hey! I'm new here too, just starting to get into the lost media world. Haven't heard of 'Midnight Philosophy' but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it now. The premise sounds amazing!

10 months, 1 week ago by phileasfog90


Oh Midnight Philosophy! Remember tuning into that randomly one night and couldn't believe my eyes. Didn't think to record it tho... Regret that. Anyway, a buddy of mine's into old show recordings. I'll ask if he's got it and circle back to you.

10 months, 1 week ago by VHSnostalgic