Looking for that old flash game

It’s driving me nuts. I used to play this flash game in the early 2000s, it was a platformer with like a blue alien guy? And there were these levels where everything was candy-themed. I THINK it was on Newgrounds but can't find it in any archives. Does that ring a bell to anyone else?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by pixelhunter


I'm pretty sure you're on about a game I used to play as well. Wasn’t it one where the alien collects candy to power up or something? I thought it was called... 'Zorg's Sugar Rush'? Might be wrong. We definitely need a comprehensive archive for these Newgrounds classics, so many gems getting forgotten.

1 year, 3 months ago by HistoricArcade


idk man, I remember a bunch of games with aliens on Newgrounds. Maybe try r/tipofmyjoystick? They are wizards at finding old games.

1 year, 3 months ago by Clueless_Gamer


You're talking about my childhood here! That blue alien game was the bomb. I spent hours on it. You might be thinking of 'Galactic Sweetness Quest' or something like that? The devs definitely hosted it on their site for a while after Newgrounds. Can’t find it for the life of me too though.

1 year, 3 months ago by BlueAlienFanatic


That rings a bell! I swear I can almost picture it. Super nostalgic, right? I think someone in an older thread mentioned something similar, might be worth looking there?

1 year, 3 months ago by CandyCrusader


Blue alien? Sounds like a game for babies. Why don't you grow up and play some real games? LOL

1 year, 3 months ago by LolTrollzor


Sounds like you’re talking about 'Sweet Tooth Alien.' That game was classic! Had a rad blue alien protagonist and some sick candy-themed graphics. I’d suggest poking around on some Flash Game preservation sites. Some of them might have backed it up before Flash got axed.

1 year, 3 months ago by FlashMasterX


hey, i’m new here but i read about a flash game with a blue alien once, could it be 'Alien Hominid'? that had a lil blue dude but idk about candy levels. good luck on the search!

1 year, 3 months ago by NewbieNostalgia


Oh man, sounds familiar! I remember playing one with a blue character but not sure about the candy levels. Maybe check out Flashpoint? It's a project dedicated to preserving old flash games, they’ve got a huge library.

1 year, 3 months ago by retrogamer87


Is that the game with the jumpy physics and power-ups?? I think my older bro used to play something like that. Man, I never get these references right away but once I do, I can't stop thinking about them!

1 year, 3 months ago by PixelNostalgia


I’m pretty sure your game is out there somewhere. Some of these old games have been ported over to HTML5 or have fan remakes. I'll keep an eye out and see if I stumble upon anything that fits the description.

1 year, 3 months ago by 404GameNotFound


lol good luck finding that, everything’s lost in the void now that flash is dead. RIP flash games, taken too soon before we could archive 'em all. But hey at least we got HTML5... yay...

1 year, 3 months ago by Trollinator3000


An alien and candy? Wow, never heard that combination before with like a million games out there. But hey, did it have a sidekick or some annoying enemy everyone hated? Kinda need more than 'blue alien guy and candy' to go off of lol

1 year, 3 months ago by DailyDoseOfSarcasm


That sounds like one of the thousands of platformers on NG back in the day. Candy levels were a common theme. Need more details tho, like any unique mechanics? the name of the alien? Every bit helps when digging through the old treasure trove 😅

1 year, 3 months ago by NewgrounderNick


I totally remember playing a game like that! It had this cool level where everything turned into chocolate and cookies I think? Dang I miss those simple times... now I wanna play it too lol

1 year, 3 months ago by bluealienFTW


Hey, flash game connoisseur here. I remember a game that fits your description quite closely. It was called 'Candystar Galaxy Runner' or something along those lines. I’m pretty sure it was taken down, likely due to copyright or it just didn't survive the shift from Flash. I remember playing it back when I was in high school. You can check the Wayback Machine; they sometimes have snapshots of games, or try reaching out to veteran flash game developers – someone might've saved a copy.

1 year, 3 months ago by flashmasterX


omg sounds familiar! wasn't there a bubble gun or something he shot? try searching for 'alien platformer bubble gun newgrounds' or something like that, hope it rings a bell!

1 year, 3 months ago by retrogamer12