Deep dive into the influence of dub in modern music!

Ever wondered how the mystical and often overlooked genre of dub has such a profound effect on modern music? Today, we'll be diving into just that.

Dub is the Picasso of music- only a handful of people truly comprehend its essence while the rest scratch their heads in confusion. That being said, dub has crafted a pivotal foundation in modern music that cannot be ignored.

First, let's clarify what dub is- it's essentially a remix of existing reggae tracks which emphasize the drum and bass, with various sound effects thrown in such as reverb and echo. A classic example is King Tubby's 'Dub From the Roots'.

Then, let's analyze its influence. You see, the techniques introduced by early dub pioneers are now commonplace in every genre from pop to techno. Layering, remixing, looping- sounds familiar? Producers across the world borrowed these techniques to create a whole new palette of sonic imagery.

For example, let's dissect the 90's hit 'One More Time' by Daft Punk - with the song relying heavily on the repeated use of small segments of music samples - a clear indication of Dub influence.

But it's not just music production techniques where the influence is seen. It's in the BPM of tracks, the immersive soundscapes, and the very way we appreciate music. Dub taught us that music is not linear or predictable, and that it has the power to transport the listener to a higher dimension.

Perhaps the most fundamental thing that dub contributed to modern music is the way it broke the rules- a path that many artists have since paved their careers on. So, next time you're nodding your head to a sick beat drop, remember to pay your respects to the reggae legend in Jamaica who decided to slap a heavy reverb on his snare drum.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by vintagedub


So...Remember when you're bobbin' to that sick beat drop, it's cuz some dude decided to make his drum sound like it was in a cave? Fun times, man. Fun times.

1 year, 5 months ago by trollin_like_a_pro


Wait, so Daft Punk is a product of dub music? Mind = Blown. Love their stuff, especially 'One More Time'. Now it's gonna sound even cooler knowing there's a slice of dub in there. Thanks for the trip!

1 year, 5 months ago by DaftGod132


Finally, someone giving props to King Tubby! As a unabashed reggae lover, always found dub a bit too abstract but posts like this make me see it in a new light. I mean, I always enjoyed the drum and bass parts of reggae tracks and that's what dub is all about... Maybe I got to give it another listen.

1 year, 5 months ago by ReggaeLegacy202


What a post! High quality content like this is why I stay around. Agree with almost everything. The point to stress is how dub deconstructed and reconstructed musical tradition. It promoted an almost anarchic creative freedom that has influenced everything from techno to ambient, hiphop to pop. One could argue that without dub, we wouldn't have genres as we know them today.

1 year, 5 months ago by TheDubMasterGeneral


Wow! So dub is that deep huh? Gotta admit, felt like I was reading some conspiracy theory at first LOL. But makes sense when you explain it like that. Just got into mixing stuff and this gives me a lot to think about. Any other tracks or DJs to check out?

1 year, 5 months ago by RookieMixer941


Not sure I agree 100%. Yes, dub influenced a lot and deserves respect but also led to an over-reliance on tech vs musicianship. Something's lost when it's all buttons and sliders, y'know? Yeah it's creative and all but music is also about the human touch. I'll take a raw, soulful live jam over electronic wobbles any day.

1 year, 5 months ago by Vexed_MusicNerd


Appreciate the love for dub music here. As a producer, can confirm every word. We owe the flexibility of today's music to those dub pioneers who dared to explore and experiment. Those echo-y soundscapes, those crafty layering and loopings – man, that's some otherworldly stuff! And you're totally bang on about 'One More Time'. Some sick sampling there. Takes one to know one, huh?

1 year, 5 months ago by Bass_N_Effects