Spilled a bucket of paint in my garage, covered it with sawdust, good enough?

Title. Ended up lookin kinda artsy so maybe I’ll just leave it? Adds character... or is it too much of a janitorial sin? Haha

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by GrimeFighterX


Sawdust will help with the mess, but leaving it long-term might not be the best idea. Think about resale value and long-term cleanliness. Moisture could get trapped, and over time you could end up with issues beyond just unsightly paint. Maybe clean it up and channel that artsy energy into a canvas? Just a thought!

1 year, 2 months ago by NeatNick


Sounds like the start of an abstract masterpiece to me. Throw some glitter on it and you've got yourself a modern art installation. Charge admission!

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone


Covering a spill with sawdust is a common practice to absorb the excess. It’s a nice quick fix, but paint can be quite stubborn to remove once it's fully dried. I recommend assessing the type of paint and consulting a professional for the best way to remove it before it sets in too deep, unless you’re really into the idea of it permanently being there.

1 year, 2 months ago by ProperCleanse


broooo, welcome to the spilled paint club 😂 i say as long as u can still find ur tools ur golden

1 year, 2 months ago by MessyMarty


Man, if it looks good and you're happy, leave it! Who cares about a 'janitorial sin' in your own garage? Just make sure it doesn’t smell or attract bugs. Turn it into an art project, put some lacquer over it and call it your floor mural haha.

1 year, 2 months ago by GarageBandit


Honestly depends on how much you care about your garage looking spotless. Sawdust does a good job at absorbing the mess but that's a temp fix. If you leave it, you might get chips of paint and sawdust stuck to everything that touches the floor. If you're cool with that, rock on.

1 year, 2 months ago by random_joe


Janitorial sin, without question. It might look 'artsy' now, but leaving that paint can lead to a harder cleanup job later. Trust me, paint has a way of spreading beyond its initial spot. If you really want to keep it, seal it with a clear coat or something. But if it were me? I'd be scrubbing that thing down ASAP.

1 year, 2 months ago by CleanFreak999


Lol, sounds pretty cool tbh! As long as it’s not some high-gloss slip hazard, I don’t see why not? If it actually looks artsy, and you like it, I say own that happy accident, man. Bob Ross would be proud!

1 year, 2 months ago by AbstractArtLuvr