Crazy ant invasion

Never thought I'd have to ask, but any advice on ant-proofing? They're on my counters, in my sugar... everywhere! Already tried some sprays but they just keep coming back. 🐜😩

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DustBusterDan


Mannn, I had this issue last summer. Remember - no stray crumbs. Wipe your counters down religiously, and check for any tiny food spills. Also, get airtight containers for EVERYTHING. If nothing works call the pros before they start paying rent.

1 year, 2 months ago by OverrunByAnts


Clearly, the ants have chosen. They are the superior species. Surrender your sugar and kneel to your new overlords. 🐜😂

1 year, 2 months ago by Just4Lulz


Expert here. Ants leave a scent trail for others to follow which is why they keep coming back. You need to obliterate their trails. Use a mix of dish soap and water, spritz everywhere you see them marchin'. Next, go outside, find where they're coming in from. If it’s through cracks or holes, seal ‘em up. Sometimes, you've gotta take the fight to their turf - use bait stations around the perimeter of your home. Remember it can take days to a couple of weeks for the bait to knock out a colony, so patience is key. Lastly, keep food in airtight containers, always.

1 year, 2 months ago by CreepyCrawlerTamer


Ant-proofing is like trying to hold water in a sieve, right? 😂 If you've got pets, forget about those toxic sprays. The key is to clean like your life depends on it, which tbh... it kinda does.

1 year, 2 months ago by CaffeinatedCindy


I have the same problem! Nothing works. I'm camping out in my own home. Watching this thread like a hawk for something that might actually do the trick 🤞

1 year, 2 months ago by JustAnotherNPC


So, I'm not about killing living things, even ants. You might wanna try peppermint oil. It's natural and non-toxic. Just mix a few drops with water, spray it around where they’re entering. It’s like an 'au revoir' in a bottle for ants.

1 year, 2 months ago by EcoWarrior92


You can make a mix using borax, sugar, and water. The sugar baits them and the borax takes them out. Just be careful if you've got pets or kiddos around, this stuff isn't safe for them. But works like a charm for the ants!

1 year, 2 months ago by BoraxBoi


hey! former ant infestation victim here. Salt or baby powder at the doors and windows can be a good deterrent. Also, heard about this trick with vinegar, mix it with water and clean the surfaces. they HATE the smell. gl!

1 year, 2 months ago by antihack