Crazy good stain remover

Spilled red wine on my white rug and thought it was a goner. Mixed up some peroxide and dish soap, dabbed it on, and the stain lifted like MAGIC. Seriously, try this before you give up on a stain.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by StainsBGone


Ah, reminds me of the good ol' times when we'd just toss salt over any spill and pray for the best. Kids these days with their fancy concoctions! Glad it's working out though, might teach my grandkids a thing or two.

1 year, 2 months ago by VintageVic


LOL why not just pour the whole bottle of wine on the rug? Problem solved. The rug is no longer white, no more visible stains. Genius, right?

1 year, 2 months ago by StainTroll101


Just a heads up that while it's awesome this worked for your rug, we should all remember to use such mixtures sparingly and responsibly. Peroxide is fairly benign, but frequent use can potentially have environmental implications! 🌎

1 year, 2 months ago by EcoWarrior22


I've heard of this trick before but was too chicken to try it out of fear of damaging my stuff. Sounds like I might have to be a bit braver cause my rug is a nightmare right now!

1 year, 2 months ago by RubberDucky01


Peroxide and dish soap is a killer combo, but always do a spot test! Different materials can react... unexpectedly... and you don’t wanna trade one problem for another! Also, always dab, don't scrub – it can make the stain sink in deeper.

1 year, 2 months ago by TidyLifer


just tried this on some ancient coffee stains and nothing :( guess it works better on fresh stains? shoulda known...

1 year, 2 months ago by MessMaster


Doesn't peroxide bleach the fabric? I'd be worried about ruining the color of my rug even more than the stain tbh.

1 year, 2 months ago by StainHater99


omg yes!! Peroxide is my go-to for so many cleaning hacks. I use it to get rid of pit stains on shirts too. Just a splash of peroxide, a sprinkle of baking soda, and a bit of scrubbing... bam, stains are gone!

1 year, 2 months ago by BubblyClean87