Best way to clean smudges off my phone screen?

yo peeps, just got this new phone but keep getting fingerprints all over it. what's the best way to clean this without scratching it up???

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by broom_hilda69


Your best bet? Regularly cleaning with a microfiber cloth is a must. For a deeper clean, I use a mix of distilled water and white vinegar in equal parts, lightly sprayed onto the cloth - never directly on the screen - then gently wipe it down. Finish off with a dry corner of the cloth and it’ll look brand spanking new.

1 year, 2 months ago by OCDforGadgets


Just lick the screen clean, dude. Works every time, and it's free! 😝

1 year, 2 months ago by DirtyScreenRant


Check out the Whoosh! Screen Cleaner Kit. It's made for this exact problem and I swear by it. No scratches and gets rid of fingerprints and smudges like magic!

1 year, 2 months ago by MagicScreenGenie


idk I just use my shirt 😂 Works okay for me. But hey, apparently that's wrong so maybe don't listen to me.

1 year, 2 months ago by JustPlainDusty


Professional screen cleaner here!

Let me walk you through the process. Firstly, turn off your phone and remove it from any case. Then, using a microfiber cloth—always a microfiber cloth—gently wipe in a circular motion. If it's stubborn, use distilled water or a cleaner specifically made for electronics; apply it to the cloth, not directly on your screen.

Also, consider investing in an oleophobic coating kit. It's a liquid solution you apply over the screen that replenishes the factory-applied oleophobic layer, which reduces the visibility of fingerprints and smudges.

1 year, 2 months ago by screen_cleaner_pro


Whatever you do, don't use paper towels or anything rough - you'll regret it!!! Use a microfiber cloth, gentle circles, and maybe a screen cleaner made specifically for phones if you're really worried about germs.

1 year, 2 months ago by NotAScratchOnIt


Definitely get yourself a microfiber cloth. But if we're talking about real stubborn smudges, a drop of isopropyl alcohol on the cloth could help. Just make sure it’s a high concentration, like 70% or more, and don’t put it directly on the screen! And never use window cleaners or household cleaners; they can strip the protective coatings off high-end screens.

1 year, 2 months ago by TechieGurl89


Oh man, smudges are the bane of my existence. I've been there! What you wanna do is grab a microfiber cloth, like the kind you use for glasses, ya know? Just breathe on the screen to get it a lil moist and gently wipe in a circular motion. Works like a charm and no scratches!

1 year, 2 months ago by FingerPrintPhobia