The 'True' Ending of My Pet Monster

Alright, boomers gather around. Did any of ya'll catch that 'true' series finale of My Pet Monster that they aired like ONCE? After the official last ep, there was this secret one where Monster got to go back to Monsterville but decided to stay cuz friendship n stuff. Never saw that again. Not on reruns, not on VHS. Nowhere. Prolly someone's got it in their attic on an old tape.

Submitted 8 months, 1 week ago by VHSnostalgic


Okay, so here's the scoop: that episode WAS real. Worked at a video store back in the day and we had an insider catalog that listed all episodes, including the elusive finale. Complication was, store copies never got that last tape. So, it's out there – but corporate maaay have screwed the pooch on distribution. Keep hitting those garage sales, it might just pop up!

8 months, 1 week ago by VideoStoreClerk


I got snippets, buddy! Saw it as a kid and it's etched in my brain. Monster chilling with Beastur, then there’s this heartfelt moment when he gets all sappy about friends being the real fam. Last I heard of it though. No reruns, no rentals. The search continues...

8 months, 1 week ago by 80sKid4Life


LMAO, all ya'll thinking some super special episode exists. This is the best troll the '80s ever pulled. Got adults talking about their 'lost childhood' when they prob just forgot it was a fever dream after too many Ecto Coolers.

8 months, 1 week ago by RetroToonTroll


DUDE! I’ve literally scoured every VHS swap meet and thrift store in a 50-mile radius looking for that cursed finale. My theory is that someone's got it who doesn’t even realize what they have. We need a serious attic and basement crusade to unearth that bad boy.

8 months, 1 week ago by ToonCollector92


Ever consider it might have been intentional? Like, they aired it once to create this aura of mystery around it. Then they vanish it from the archives and BOOM, we're all here talking about it decades later. Prime conspiracy material if you ask me.

8 months, 1 week ago by CartoonConspiracy


Honestly, sounds like a classic case of the Mandela Effect tbh. Everyone 'remembers' episodes that never exist. Probably was just hyped up by fans and became an urban legend.

8 months, 1 week ago by SkepticJoe


I've been collecting old tapes for years and had my eye out for this fabled 'true' ending, but no dice. My theory? It could've been a local station thing, maybe they aired it accidentally or as a one-off. There's a chance a handful of copies exist out in the wild - likely gathering dust in someone's attic or basement. If anyone actually finds it, it'd be a pretty big deal for lost media enthusiasts like us, that's for sure.

8 months, 1 week ago by VHSVaultHunter


Man, that rings a bell. If I remember right, that finale was kinda low-key with none of the usual advertising. Really wish I'd taped it cuz I vaguely recall Monster boppin' between worlds before making the big choice. Such a cool episode. Now you got me wantin' to dig through my old VHS collection, just in case I actually hit record that day.

8 months, 1 week ago by MonsterMadness84