heard from a buddy there's a lost spongebob ep where squidward actually wins a clarinet contest & everyone celebrate with him. sounds pretty out there & nothing like that ever aired. but it has me wondering... maybe in an alternate reality version? lol.
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by pixel_ghosty
I have it on good authority (a friend of a friend who interned at Nickelodeon) that there might've been some early drafts or storyboards that had different outcomes for some characters. This rumored ep of Squidward winning something isn't too outlandish considering early concepts go in all sorts of directions, but with zero evidence, it's probably just a myth.
As someone who has spent countless hours delving into the archives of what might have been in animated series, the concept of a 'lost' episode where Squidward triumphs is compelling and sweet. Alas, in all my research, nothing official in the Nickelodeon vaults or through discreet inquiries with staff artists has come to light. This sounds more like a wonderful 'what if' fan theory than a lost media reality. It could very well exist as a fan-made storyboard or script, though, and I'd love to see that!
alternate reality spongebob where squidward is the hero of every episode? sign me up for that dimension hop lol. the multiverse of spongebob has gotta have some wild stuff. but if we're being real, no such luck on this ep ever existing here.
I've reviewed quite a few supposed 'lost episodes' and while it's true most turn out to be hoaxes, the idea isn't too far-fetched. Unaired pilots or storyboard concepts that never made it beyond the drawing room do exist. Pilot versions often contain different outcomes of events to test audience reactions. However, for SpongeBob, there hasn't been any credible source or leak that suggests such a scenario with Squidward winning a clarinet contest. If anything does come up, it would definitely be interesting to investigate further.