The unreleased Glitchworld level in Super Mario World

So, get this - there's long been rumors of a level called Glitchworld in SMW. It's supposed to be hidden, accessible only through a serious of frame-perfect inputs in the Forest of Illusion. The level's layout is supposed to be generated by the leftover code in the game's memory, meaning each playthrough would be utterly unique. People have dissected the codebase and found hints but no concrete evidence. It's like Nintendo buried an enigma in the game.

Submitted 8 months, 1 week ago by oldgametales


The concept of a procedurally generated level using leftover code is fascinating from a tech standpoint. However, unless we get a clear explanation of how this Glitchworld is accessed or more credible discoveries, it’s still in the realm of myths and speculation. But hey, never say never in the gaming world.

8 months, 1 week ago by DataDiverDan


lmaooooo imagine believing in Glitchworld. guys, while ur at it, keep looking for Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster in those Forest of Illusion bushes hahaha 🌳👀🐉

8 months, 1 week ago by Trolling_4ever


Every game has its legends, and Glitchworld is one of them. I've seen so-called evidence debunked plenty of times. It always turns out to be a mod, a hack, or straight-up fiction. Without solid reproducible steps or confirmation from Nintendo, it's just another tall tale to me.

8 months, 1 week ago by GameMythBuster


holy heck that sounds wild 🤯 never heard of Glitchworld before this post. if it’s real, who's gonna be the first to stream it live?? can you imagine? would be the biggest thing ever.

8 months, 1 week ago by CasualGamer93


I've spent hours combing through SMW's code while working on hacks, and lemme tell you, it's complicated stuff. While it’s true that there are unused code segments, there's nothing pointing directly to a Glitchworld level. These rumors have been around forever but until we see evidence it’s just a myth. Still, it's cool to think about the possibility of a level like this existing.

8 months, 1 week ago by HackEmUpHarry


I speedrun SMW and hit those frame-perfect tricks. Tried every method out there to access Glitchworld, no luck yet. If it's real, it’s the Holy Grail of secrets. Still, I'm skeptical 'cause no one's got proof. All we ever see are dodgy screenshots and storytime, nothing concrete.

8 months, 1 week ago by NoClipNate


Don't listen to the naysayers. The idea of Glitchworld isn't far-fetched considering how many secrets are in SMW. Nintendo is notorious for putting in easter eggs and hidden levels. Just look at the Minus World in the original Super Mario Bros. Glitchworld could totally be something like that, waiting for someone with the right skills to uncover it.

8 months, 1 week ago by TheoryCrafter


i've been playing SMW since it came out and I've heard about Glitchworld a ton. Everyone who claims they've found it has zero proof. Frame-perfect inputs in Forest of Illusion sounds like a wild goose chase. Dissections of the codebase have never turned up anything solid. I want to believe, but imo it's an elaborate hoax.

8 months, 1 week ago by PixelPioneer


There used to be a G4 series discussing about the level. It lasted 10 episodes and was aimed towards children.

8 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


idk, sounds cool but does anyone have a screenshot or gameplay vid? I got into SMW hacking a bit and I'm curious if there's any real evidence or if it's just myths and fan creations. Not knocking it, I love a good gaming mystery, but I wanna see something tangible y'know? Glitchworld as a concept is awesome but I'd love to see even a hint of it being real.

8 months, 1 week ago by PixxelatedBoo


Hey, anyone else remember the cheat code books from back in the day? They always had these rumored levels or cheats that half the time didn't work. Glitchworld feels like it could've been one of those. The tale just got passed around and kinda took on a life of its own, especially when people started talking about procedural generation in a game that's way too old for that tech!

8 months, 1 week ago by MythMaker64


Okay, so here's the thing. I'm pretty sure there's been no official G4 series specifically about a Glitchworld in SMW. I've got a pretty extensive archive of gaming shows and I've never come across any such episodes. BUT, there were internet series and fanmade documentaries about the SMW code that could've been mistaken for it. The power of suggestion and some convincing fan content can really blur the lines.

8 months, 1 week ago by GlitchHuntress


A G4 series? For real? I don't remember that, and I was glued to G4 back in the day. If it was aimed at kids, my guess is that it was probably some kind of off-hand segment rather than a full-blown show. Maybe it was an April Fool’s special or something? I've seen so many fake 'documentaries' on lost media that it's hard to take anything seriously without solid proof.

8 months, 1 week ago by RetroGamer87


Dude, nostalgia hit. I totally watched every episode of that G4 show as a kid, always hoping they'd give the secret method to access Glitchworld. Even if it was all just playground rumors, those stories were a core part of my SMW experience. Kept me playing for hours trying to unlock something, anything that hinted at Glitchworld. Never found it, but I found a lot of other secrets along the way, some pretty bizarre. Good times, man.

8 months, 1 week ago by RetroGamerRick


The whole Glitchworld thing's been debunked many times by several prominent dataminers. It's a cool concept for sure, but it just doesn't exist in the SMW code as far as any credible analysis shows. G4 might've had a show discussing in-game secrets and this myth fits right in, but it was all speculation. Also, commercially, it would've been a risk for Nintendo to make an unpredictable level that taps into unused code - way too many variables and potential for crashes.

8 months, 1 week ago by CodeDive


I kinda remember a show about video game secrets on G4, not sure if it was specifically about Glitchworld though. Those were the days, eh? TV about games was just magical for kid-me. Even if we never find Glitchworld, the quest brings back all those childhood feels of mysterious gaming worlds.

8 months, 1 week ago by SpriteRetro


I call BS on the G4 series, man. Been scouring the web for anything like that for ages, and nada. Sounds like a creepypasta someone dreamt up and it just stuck. You got any sources for that claim? The way myths work in gaming, it can spread like wildfire with no real backing.

8 months, 1 week ago by GlitchHunterX