When I had this at home, it was called OJ's. It was orange flavored cereal made by Kellogg's to get kids to eat healthy fruit flavored cereal. It was similar to Trix but it only had an orange flavor. It was available during the 1960s and then it failed, because who wants an orange flavored cereal? It was discontinued shortly.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PAWPatrol
Ever wondered why we never see any orange flavored cereal anymore? That's 'cos big cereal don't want us to remember their failures. They want us stuck in the sugary stranglehold of chocolate and artificial rainbow flavors. Wake up, people!
OJ's was a fascinating failed product of an era where cereal manufacturers were trying all kinds of wild things. While the flavor was certainly bizarre, it wasn't unbearable. Some may even say it was an 'acquired taste'. The real issue with OJ's, however, was that it simply couldn't compete with more familiar, comforting cereal flavors. It was just too far out of left field, even for the experimental 60s.