In-depth analysis of why public restrooms are the WORST

I’ve dedicated an uncomfortable amount of time to this, and let me tell you, the state of public restrooms is in DECLINE.

First, we need to address the stall gaps. Ever make awkward eye contact through that sliver of space between the door and the wall? Yeah, me too. It’s an unspoken horror we all share.

Secondly, the sinks. Automatic faucets that spit water with the power of a shy whisper. You move your hands a millimeter out of the sensor’s fickle detection range, and you're left sputtering soap into your palms like some soap opera tragedy.

Don't get me started on the dryers. If they work, they're about as effective as blowing on your hands yourself.

To conclude my extensive observations, it's pretty clear that public restrooms are a silent cry for help wrapped in tile and cheap metal partitions. Bathroom designers of the world, get on it. Humans deserve better.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by longpostlover


Y’all ever been to those restrooms with the doors that don't lock properly? It’s like playing Russian roulette every time you gotta go.

1 year, 2 months ago by PlumbPessimist


Lmao, at this point, just go in the woods. 100% privacy AND you help fertilize the trees. Win-win 🌲

1 year, 2 months ago by ToiletTroll


Honestly, the design flaws in public restrooms symbolize the disregard for privacy and hygiene. It's a literal mess. There should be standards, regulations, and some decent respect for personal space!

1 year, 2 months ago by SoapBoxer


Public restrooms are a reflection of society's soul, and let me tell ya, the mirror's looking pretty grimy. Do better, humanity.

1 year, 2 months ago by DirtyReflect


The faucet rant is SPOT ON. It's like a game of sensor tag to get your hands washed. And don't get me going on those dryers. I'd rather air dry my hands while walking out like I own the place.

1 year, 2 months ago by FaucetFreak


Let's not forget the toilet paper thinnner than a politician's promise. God forbid your finger makes a surprise guest appearance. 🙄

1 year, 2 months ago by OnePlyWonder


This post is the MOST relatable thing I've read in ages. The stall gaps make zero sense to me - we have the technology to send people to space, but we can't figure out how to close a 1-inch gap in a bathroom stall? And let's talk about the non-existent water pressure in those sinks. No wonder people don't wash their hands properly.

1 year, 2 months ago by HygieneHero


Stall gaps are legit the portal to my social anxiety. Like, why do I need to share a moment of eye contact while in my most vulnerable state?? Do they want us to pass secret messages like spies or smth?

1 year, 2 months ago by StallGazer