Instructions? More like LIES.

Bought a so-called 'easy assembly' bookshelf and what a joke. The instructions might as well have been in hieroglyphs. Parts labeled wrong, screws missing, and the stability of a house of cards in the wind. Spent 4 hrs on what was advertised as a '15-minute setup'. Companies really think we've got all day to play guessing games? Get it together, furniture brands!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by disgruntled_diyer


Eh, are we sure it's not user error? I mean sure, some brands suck but c'mon.I've put together tons of furniture pieces, and they all worked out... Maybe check again if you did everything right?

1 year, 2 months ago by DevilsAdvocateDude


Not all brands are like this! I only buy IKEA now. Yeah, there's a learning curve, but it’s like LEGO for adults once you get the hang of it. Sorry bout your bookshelf nightmare though, that’s rough.

1 year, 2 months ago by IKEA-Insider


My blood's boiling just reading this. Spent half a day on a 'simple' chair. Where do they get off on misleading us like that? Some sorta sick joke?

1 year, 2 months ago by MadAtManuals


Man, I feel you. It's like these companies don't even try their own instructions. I've started looking up videos on assembly before buying just to be sure I'm not setting myself up for failure. Btw, if you want that wobble gone, try tightening everything up once it's standing. If screws are missing, you'll probably need to replace them with something beefier from the hardware store.

1 year, 2 months ago by AssemblyAce


This just happened to me too! Thought I could trust the 'user-friendly' instructions but nope. I'm no Hercules, but the thing wobbles if I so much as look at it funny. Anybody got tips on how to stabilize these cheap things?

1 year, 2 months ago by NewbieNester


You must be new to the magical world of furniture assembly where 'easy' is code for 'you're gonna need a degree in engineering'. I can't remember the last time a kit actually came with all the parts. Protip: Always expect to run to the hardware store. Twice.

1 year, 2 months ago by CynicalCrafter


Totally feel your pain. Had similar experience with a 'no-tools-required' desk that almost made me wanna throw all the pieces out the window. Took way longer than whatever fantasy time they put on the manual. Missing screws are the WORST, ended up raiding my own toolbox to finish it.

1 year, 2 months ago by FurnitureFail