Unskippable ads on paid services!? WTH!!!

Alright, listen up cause I'm only gonna say this once. We pay PREMIUM monthly fees for these streaming services and what do we get? ADS. Unskippable nonsense! Wasn't the entire POINT to avoid ads like traditional cable? I mean, it's blatant greed when you're double-dipping into our wallets. And not just any ads, but the same TWO ads on repeat. I could recite them by heart, and it's driving me insane!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by rant_throwaway819


Ads? Meh, doesn't bother me. Back in the day, we had to sit through WAY longer commercials on TV. But yeah, I get the frustration when you thought you escaped the ad trap only to find it hidden behind a paywall. It's just going back to good old tradition, amirite? 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroWaveFanatic


Gotta say though, there's a bright side to this—you can use ad time for quick breaks, grab a snack, or hey, bathroom runs. I mean yeah, it's infuriating, but maybe they inadvertently gave us reminders to move around. Still sucks we gotta pay for it, sigh.

1 year, 2 months ago by SilverLiningSeeker


Y'all realize we're just lab rats to them right? Each ad is them testing how much they can push before we break. It's all a big experiment. They're prolly tracking which ones of us will stick around despite the annoyances for their next sinister move.

1 year, 2 months ago by CorporateSpy007


I feel ya. It's hard enough scraping together the subscription fee only to sit through endless ads. I'm here trying to de-stress watching my shows, and those repetitive ads stress me out more than my job 🤯

1 year, 2 months ago by JustABrokeDude


lmao they really got us there didn't they? play the whole 'no ads' card to reel us in and then BAM! ad city. It's like buying a car full price and then being told you can only drive if you let them slap a bunch of bumper stickers on it.

1 year, 2 months ago by NoChillStreamer


Why not just ditch the services? I gave up on them once the first ad rolled out. Miss me with that nonsense. There are plenty of other ad-free alternatives out there, you know? Sometimes less is more. 😌

1 year, 2 months ago by TheSimplicityGuru


Isn't it ironic that the platforms that emerged as a rebellion against ad-saturated cable TV are now mirroring the same model they sought to disrupt? The corporate logic is simple: ad revenue is too sweet to pass up. But it frustrates the ethos of what these services initially promised. We're witnessing a shift from customer-focused to shareholder-focused, and that's a true disservice to the user base.

1 year, 2 months ago by MeditativeMedia


Couldn't agree more! We're coughing up cash only to have MORE ADS shoved down our throats!! It's like, hello?? Did you forget we're already paying customers?? 🙄 It's a complete rip-off and I'm two seconds away from canceling. These companies need a reality check, stat.

1 year, 2 months ago by AdHater9000