In a rush, as usual, popped into the store to quickly grab a few essentials. Chose self-checkout thinking it's the fast route. Scanner doesn’t recognize my items, then it double charges me. To top it off, the 'unexpected item in bagging area' alert goes off every two seconds. Am I the unexpected item??? Attendant takes forever to come over. Faster my foot; I could've grown the produce in the time it took to check out.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by aintnobodygottime4dat
Yeah, they're finicky. Little tip - always make sure the barcode is flat when you scan, helps sometimes. And be gentle with placing items in the bagging area. These machines have the sensitivity of a high-end scale... which is annoying at the grocery but hey, it's tech, right?
CAN'T STAND SELF-CHECKOUTS!!!! They're the WORST. You save no time, the assistance button should just be a big red 'SUMMON HUMAN' button because that's all that ends up happening. We're not alone; I heard there's actual studies showing these things make everything SLOWER. 😡