Cafe spelled my name wrong AGAIN

They never get it right. It’s like four freaking letters. How hard is it to spell 'Mark'? Apparently, monumentally so. I've gotten 'Mak', 'Marc', 'Mork'... Today, it's 'Mack'. Seriously, there's a special place in hell for baristas who can't spell the easiest names. Just adds insult to the indigestible swill they call 'coffee' they serve. P.S. Your scones are dry.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by dailygrindgrr


Man, maybe 'Mark' just isn't trendy enough for these barista folks. Or anybody thought of switching to tea? They never get my name wrong at the tea shop.

1 year, 3 months ago by ChaiCharge


Mork here, aka Mike. At least 'Mork' is unique – you've got a built-in nickname now. But yeah, drinking the swill just to get your name butchered? Not worth it, dude.

1 year, 3 months ago by MorkFromOrk


Why do people stay loyal to places that can't get the simplest things right? If you hate the coffee and the food, don't even get me started on the spelling. Time to find a new spot, 'Mack'!

1 year, 3 months ago by DailyGrindHate


This happens to me ALL the time. Mark with a C, Marc with a K... do they even listen? I started telling them my name was Dragon, just to see what happens.

1 year, 3 months ago by MisspelledMark


As a former barista, trust me, nobody's doing it to mess with you. Morning rushes are insane, and your 'Mack' probably saved us from confusing your order with the actual Marc's. And the scones? Those are on whoever bakes them, not the person writing your name lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by BitterBarista


Haha, maybe they do it on purpose for a laugh? Who knows, at this point you might as well start a wall of fame (or shame) with all the variations. Frame 'em. Make it art.

1 year, 3 months ago by NameButcherAdvocate


Dude, I feel you. It's like a game. Guess today's creative spelling of YOUR OWN name, right? My name's 'Joe' and I've been 'Joey', 'Jow', and 'Jeu'...

1 year, 3 months ago by LatteArtFailure