went to buy a new set of cups 'cuz my old ones are chipped and mismatched af. finally found a set I liked, box says 'set of 6'... open it at home and there's only FIVE?? now I gotta go back, explain this, probably get interrogated if I'm trying to scam them, just so I can drink water without cutting my lip, fantastic..
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by quietfury123
This is exactly why I unpack and check everything AT the store. You can bet half the time something's wrong. It’s not just about the inconvenience, it's about the waste too – they'll probably just toss that incomplete set and all that material gets wasted. Ugh.
I feel your pain. Stores just don't care about quality control anymore. It’s always on us to waste time and gas money fixing THEIR mistakes. Just make sure you hang on tight to that receipt and stand your ground at customer service. They'll try to wiggle out of it but don't let them.