just got a package and it's like 95% packing peanuts with a tiny item in the center?? who thought this was a good idea?? now i have these little styrofoam demons all over my floor, they cling to everything cuz of static and i can't even recycle them in my area. feels like a cruel joke.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cantbelievemyeyes
Hey, I get that it's super annoying but as a small biz owner, lemme tell u, sometimes it's hard to get the perfect sized box for every item. And those peanuts can be cheaper than other options. Def not perfect but it can be tough on the seller side too. Still, I try to use air packets or paper where I can. Maybe reach out to the seller to suggest alternative packing?
As someone who works in shipping, the overuse of packing peanuts is a real issue. They protect items but at what cost? lol. Pro tip: If you get a shipment with too many, post them for free on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. There are always small businesses looking to save on shipping materials.