Seriously, it's like every gadget I buy is on a timer. The warranty ends and BOOM, it stops working. It's planned obsolescence, I swear. These companies are deliberately making stuff that'll break so you have to buy a new one. My phone's battery started swelling exactly one week after the warranty expired. Coincidence? I think not. We need to hold these greedy manufacturers accountable!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by uselessinfono1wants
Not defending them, but isn't it possible that we just notice it more when the warranty is up? Like confirmation bias or something. Maybe the products aren't designed to fail, they just do sometimes after a certain amount of use which just happens to be around the warranty time? Just playing devil's advocate here.
This is an industry-wide practice known as planned obsolescence, and it's not just about failing batteries. It’s about components that are designed to wear out or become less capable over time. Some countries are trying to combat this with Right to Repair laws, forcing companies to make parts available for longer and devices easier to fix. But until this really catches on, we're stuck in this cycle.