Haha so you think you can outsmart the traffic light?

Just standing here at the crosswalk, watching these fools keep pushing the button like it's gonna make the light change faster. 😂 News flash: IT DOESN'T WORK. You're just wearing out the button for no reason. I bet these are the same people who press 'close door' on the elevator a million times. Patience is dead, I tell ya!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by theperpetualrage


I conducted an informal study at a dozen intersections in my city, documenting the button pressers and non-pressers. I found that despite evidence of their ineffectiveness during busy hours, individuals who pressed the button reported higher satisfaction with their crossing experience. It seems that the illusion of influence over one's environment, however small, contributes positively to one's mental well-being. In conclusion, while the physical impact of button-pressing may be negligible, the psychological benefits should not be underestimated.

1 year, 3 months ago by TimekeeperTom


This thread kinda sad if u think abt it. Like everyone's in a race against time. Take a breath, enjoy the breeze, the wait at the light's the universe telling us to slow down. And those buttons? They're a lesson in patience. Irony's delicious, ain't it?

1 year, 3 months ago by MindfulMona


Pressing buttons repetitively? Can confirm it's prepping us for meaningless jobs where we press virtual buttons all day. Wake up sheeple, we're being trained!

1 year, 3 months ago by CynicalSid


Okay, so technically, in some places the button does make a difference—it triggers the walk signal to come on sooner or at all during low traffic times. But during peak hours? Yeah, it's all placebo. Walk signal's gonna walk when it's programmed to walk.

1 year, 3 months ago by GreenLightGuru


Not gonna lie, the 'close door' button on the elevator is kinda therapeutic. It's like yelling 'BINGO!' even if you don't win – makes you feel you did something lol. Maybe it's irrational, but if these small actions help someone's anxiety...

1 year, 3 months ago by ElevatorAnxiety


Honestly, pressing those buttons is like gaming. You know it doesn't really speed things up but you do it anyway for that tiny hit of dopamine when you 'beat the level' AKA the light changes. It's the little things, man.

1 year, 3 months ago by ButtonBasher42


haha yup, seen it a million times. People think they got some kind of magic touch that'll make the lights change. Wishful thinking! But hey, let 'em have their little moment of control, no harm really.

1 year, 3 months ago by CrosswalkConnoisseur


Ugh this is SO true. They stand there jabbing the button like their life depends on it. I've timed the lights near my place, and guess what? NO DIFFERENCE. People need to chill.

1 year, 3 months ago by ImpatientIngrid