A big problem

I WAS JOINED TO BECOME PART OF FEAR FACTOR! Yes, and I have all phobias yet to be conquered.

There were 3 challenges I had to conquer along with other contestants.

  1. Eating a taco with insects.
  2. A 100-story tower fall without safety gear
  3. Rollerskating on a steep slope

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Yeah, gonna need some more details here. Any safety measures at all for that fall? Some sort of airbag or net hidden from cameras? 'Cause that just sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

1 year, 3 months ago by TheSkepticalOne


Honestly, eating bugs is light work compared to the other stunts. The tower thing has to be a typo or a joke though, right? Like, they can't actually expect you to do that.

1 year, 3 months ago by NotYourTherapist


DUDE! That's insane! I'm all for an adrenaline rush, but make sure that show isn't crossing lines into illegal territory. Signing up for a thrill is one thing; a death wish is something else. Definitely research your legal rights before that tower stunt. Stay safe and kick some butt if you go through with it!

1 year, 3 months ago by AdrenalineAddict


That tower fall must be a nightmare for anyone with a fear of heights. But no safety gear... doesn't that sound a bit TOO life-threatening even for Fear Factor standards? Anyway, rollerskating downhill is at least in the realm of 'kinda fun if you don't die.' Be careful out there!

1 year, 3 months ago by vertigosufferer


Sure, Jan. And next you're gonna say you swam with sharks and fought a bear with your bare hands. Pics or it didn't happen, we all know Fear Factor wouldn't be that irresponsible.

1 year, 3 months ago by Trollololol69


omg, just reading that gave me anxiety 😱 I can't even handle a spider in the bathtub let alone EATING bugs... and a tower fall? No safety gear? Are they CRAZY?! Take care of yourself, please!

1 year, 3 months ago by AnxietyAmanda


Whoa, that sounds intense! The insects would be a mental game, but it's doable with the right mindset. However, a 100-story fall without gear has gotta be a safety violation... unless it's some kind of VR thing?

1 year, 3 months ago by chill_thrill_seeker


Eating a taco with insects really isn't that bad, just gotta pretend it's extra crunchy toppings, you know? Think of the protein, dude! As for the 100-story fall, oh man, I think I'd bail on that, not gonna lie.

1 year, 3 months ago by BugEaterBob