Just love when CS reps say there's nothing they can do, like helloooo I haven't been yelling at you for an hour just to be told 'there's nothing we can do'. Way to make a guy feel special. Next time I'll just talk to my toaster, probably more helpful.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cant_even_rn
Sorry to hear about your experience. I've worked tech support before and tbh a lot of the times reps genuinely don’t have the tools or authorization to solve certain problems. But there’s always a way. For real - document everything, get on the horn with corporate if you gotta. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, my dude.
Seeing both sides here, sometimes the hands of CS reps are really tied by company policy or legal restrictions. BUT I do agree that they should at least show some empathy. Maybe try escalating to a supervisor next time, or hit the social media - companies hate public shaming lol
Ugh, feel you on this. It's like you're speaking to a wall. They got all these scripts they gotta follow and ZERO common sense or flexibility. And when they hit you with the 'our policy states...' like c'mon, just admit you're not gonna lift a finger to help!