They. Were. Not. Waterproof. All it took was one tiny, insignificant, absolutely minuscule puddle to prove that the only thing these boots were protecting me from was having dry socks.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Soggy_Dan
Pro-tip for next time: don't just rely on what the label says. Look for customer reviews, see what they say about how the boot holds up in real conditions. Some places even have warranties or guarantees, so you can get your money back or a replacement if they aren't up to snuff.
I've been through my fair share of 'waterproof' boots that couldn't hold up against morning dew. Next time, do a test as soon as you get them—fill them with water and make them prove themselves before you trust them with your feet. Also, look for boots with a Gore-Tex label. Those haven't failed me yet!
Hate to break it to you but not all boots are created equal. You gotta check the fine print. Was it 'water-resistant' instead of 'waterproof'? Either way, if you got them from a decent place, they should take them back. If not, better invest in some good ol' rubber boots next time.