Three things went wrong today: I spilled coffee on my white shirt, tripped and fell in front of everyone at work, AND lost my wallet. But hey, at least it's sunny outside, right? Right?! 😅
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by pocketfullofsunshine
That's rough buddy. For the shirt, try baking soda and vinegar, works like a charm on coffee stains. And for the wallet, if you haven't yet, call your bank to cancel any cards, just in case. As for the fall, we've all been there. Tomorrow is another day, chin up!
Did you try calling any of the places you've been to ask about the wallet? Sometimes people are awesome and turn stuff in. And tripping? Pffft, you probably styled it out like a pro. Everyone's too caught up in their own stuff to remember it for long.
Oof, sounds like you had a classic 'series of unfortunate events' kinda day. But hey! Sunshine is a decent consolation prize right? I dropped my phone in a puddle on a day that was sunny too. It didn't fix the screen, but it did help dry it out faster, lol.