My dog took a dump on the floor and my Roomba I bought last week tried to clean it. Now it smells like poop. Eww...
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1
You've experienced what's affectionately known as a 'pooptastrophe'. It's a fairly common issue with Roombas; they're fantastic for daily dust and dirt, but their cleaning algorithms aren't sophisticated enough to differentiate between 'dirt' and 'doggy doo-doo'. Consider scheduling your Roomba to clean at a time when you can ensure there won't be any... err... obstacles on the floor. If it already happened, disassemble and clean the Roomba using a hydrogen peroxide solution to get rid of the smell. And maybe work on your pupper's house-breaking schedule!
Dog trainer here.
If your dog is not toilet trained yet, you might want to work on that before letting your Roomba roam around. There are plenty of good training guides online. As for the Roomba, try a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the brushes. Smell should be gone in no time!
Man, I feel ya, it's the worst! Had a similar nightmare once. Now, I make sure to do a quick 'scan' of the floor before activating my Roomba. Also, check out Roomba's maintenance guide on their website. Might help you clean it up without making the smell worse.
Having worked in the autonomous cleaning industry, I can tell you that this is a known issue, and many manufacturers are working on incorporating 'poop detection' algorithms into their devices. Future versions might be able to skip over poop, similar to how they now avoid stairs. As for now, I'd recommend making sure your floor's clear before starting a cleaning session.