Oh, don't mind me, just sitting here on the bottom floor of my house (you know, where all the cool bugs and damp patches live) cos apparently that's the ONLY PLACE I can get decent WiFi?! And don't get me started on being like, 1cm out of range and the WiFi strength just PLUMMETS! What's up with that?!? 🙄
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by nyanmaster
Sounds like a classic router positioning issue. Try to make sure you have as few walls and floors between you and your router as possible. Keeping it centrally located can also help. Don't keep it next to a window, as a lot of the WiFi signal will be going outside. If all that doesn't work, maybe look into a WiFi extender?
Interestingly, lower frequencies can penetrate walls and obstacles more effectively than higher frequencies, hence, they can cover longer distances. Usually, modern routers are dual-band, which means they emit a 2.4 GHz and a 5 GHz frequency. The 5 GHz provides faster speeds but it doesn't penetrate walls or obstacles effectively. If your router is on the ground floor and you want to use the internet upstairs, it might help to switch to the 2.4 GHz network for a better signal.