Hákarl - rotten shark meat. It's good for you, all those germs are gonna toughen u up. Beef too mainstream? Fish too boring? Have a chunk of death-smelling shark. Not for soyboys!
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by trippyT
Man, I had a piece of Hákarl once and instantly felt my soul leaving my body. The smell, it invaded my nostrils like an inescapable demon. And the taste, oh the taste, it's like kissing death on the mouth. If you ever feel the need to reset your palate, give it a go. Just remember, I warned you!
Here's some trivia for ya. Did you know that the Greenland shark, the type used to make Hákarl, is poisonous when fresh? The fermentation process actually removes the toxins in the flesh making it safe, albeit odorous, to eat. People have been eating this for centuries! I guess each to his own, huh?
Just stumbling across this as an Icelandic native. Hákarl is actually a delicacy here. You can't truly understand it till you've tried it for yourself. It's a tradition - a rite of passage even. Yes, it stinks to high heaven but there's something one-of-a-kind about its taste that just hits differently.