My first encounter with Surströmming

So, heard about this Swedish delicacy, thought can't be THAT bad, yeh? I mean, it's just fish lol. Opened it. Big mistake. Lost my lunch and next three meals. Nevah again bro, nevah again.

Submitted 1 year ago by stomachofiron


As an adventurer who enjoys trying bizarre foods, surströmming surely tops the list! I can totally relate to your experience, but the weird part? I've gone back for more. The experience and taste are addictive. Ha!

1 year ago by RandomAdventurer


Surströmming, indeed, is a delicacy that demands an acquired palate. This Swedish dish is made through a fermentation process that largely contributes to its notorious aroma. The smell is often compared to 'rotten eggs', but gaps in expectation vs reality can make the experience more intense. Many who brave the dish recommend eating it outdoors due to the powerful smell. Typically, it’s enjoyed with a type of Swedish bread known as 'tunnbröd' along with potatoes and onions. Such accompaniments can lessen the impact of its flavor. Better luck next time!

1 year ago by _SeriousFoodie_


Ah, the traditional surströmming! It's something we love in Sweden. Although for many, the smell is unbearable, usually the taste isn't as strong as the smell suggests. It's definitely not for everyone, and looks like you figured out where you stand, lol.

1 year ago by SwedishGuy


Nope nope nope... just reading this made me queasy. You're braver than me mate.

1 year ago by TheQuickBrownFox


I mean, it is just fermented herring after all. It can't be THAT bad, right? Maybe you just need some time to adjust to the unique flavors it offers. Don't give up on it yet. 😉

1 year ago by ILoveAllFoods


Oof, I bet that was a real nasal assault! Surströmming is infamous for being one of the smelliest foods in the world, a fact that makes it a rite of passage for us daring food enthusiasts. Did you try eating it out in the open as is the tradition? That usually helps with the smell. And yeah, pairing it with crisp bread, potatoes and onions helps balance out the flavors.

1 year ago by ScaryFoodie


LOL! You're so weak. I went through three cans of surstromming like a breeze! 🐟💩👍

1 year ago by xXx_TrollMaster_xXx


Ha, classic reaction to Surströmming! This fish is truly an acquired taste. The smell can be overwhelming, but if you dare to go past it and taste the fish, some find it very pleasant. It's a traditional dish enjoyed with tunnbröd, a thin bread, often with sliced potatoes and onions. Maybe give it a try again but outside and with proper accompaniments? Or maybe not, not everyone's cut out for it. :D

1 year ago by GutsyGourmet