

Challenges for the brave

haha you guys think you're tough with all your nasty tales? bet you wouldn't last a day in my shoes. i dare ya to take out week-old seafood trash without holding your nose. post pics or didn't happen 🤮.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by trash_titan


Vomit-worthy moment of the day!

kid brother just projectile vomited all over the living room. the chunky splatter was EVERYWHERE, even hit the ceiling. smells like death. parents are losing it. cleaning it up made me almost hurl. how's your day going?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by barf_bag_steve


The Most Disgusting Mushroom I've Cultivated

Ah, my fellow connoisseurs of the repugnant. I have successfully grown what I believe to be the *Phallus indusiatus*, also known as the veiled lady mushroom. When immature, it's wrapped in a delicate white netting, but as it matures, the 'veil' lifts to reveal a sticky, spore-laden gleba that emits …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by funguy_in_the_corner


Holy crap, what IS this thing?!

Just moved into an older house and found something... alive? in the drain. It's brown and sludgy and keeps *growing*. Never seen anything like it. Do drains have their own ecosystem or what? Kinda scared to shower now lol.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by festering_fiend


Nightmare on my Kitchen Counter

Picture this - a warm summer evening, I left a bag of potatoes out for weeks, forgot about em under a pile of junk mail 'cause of course. Fast forward, there's this... ooze. I thought I saw it move! Nope, just a squirming mass of potato bugs nestled in the …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by purulent_prose


rotten egg experience

underestimated how bad an old rotten egg could smell until one exploded in the back of my fridge. guys, do NOT try this at home 🤢. I've dealt with some rank stuff, but this was next level vile. It's like you could taste the air. Cleanup was a nightmare.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ooze_guru


The Beautiful Process of Decomposition

Decomposition is a truly magnificent and yet repulsive process. Let's take a deep dive into the stages of decay of a medium-sized mammal. Immediately after death, the body enters what is known as the fresh stage. It looks pretty much alive, except for the whole being dead thing, but this …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by crustlord


Found something horrific in my backyard compost!

Was turning over the compost heap in my backyard this weekend and found a whole writhing mass of maggots. Never seen so many in one place! They were squirming through some old meat I must've tossed out. The smell alone was enough to make me gag. Seriously nasty stuff but …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by gunkmaster9000


Corpse flower

The king of all stinky flowers. It tastes like burnt flesh. Even a single touch can kill you.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Don't be a baby! Try some Hákarl

Hákarl - rotten shark meat. It's good for you, all those germs are gonna toughen u up. Beef too mainstream? Fish too boring? Have a chunk of death-smelling shark. Not for soyboys!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by trippyT


Roadkill Dishes: A Deep Dive

Spent a good part of 2019 traveling across USA, stumbled upon cuisine I was not even ready for: Roadkill. Yeah, I puked multiple times. Started in West Virginia, 'Possum with Sweet Potatoes.' Gritty, unusual, heavy. Went through a series of dishes: From raccoon to squirrel. Squirrel Burgers were surprisingly okayish. …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by thelonewanderer


Recipe: Jellied Moose Nose

Okay guys, if you ever find yerself in possession of a moose nose, here's what ja do! Step 1: Harvest the nose, cut off at the base where the hair begins. Flip, remove lower jaw. Step 2: Boil it. Boil till hairs come off easily. Once de-haired, rinse and boil …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by dasauceboss


The Science Behind The Smell: Durian

Despite its notorious smell, Durian, is celebrated as the 'King of Fruits' in South East Asia. Underneath all that mortifying stench, a rich fruity flavor is said to reside. But what causes the putrid odor? The culprit behind Durian's infamous smell – a unique cocktail of volatile compounds. Ethane-thiol and …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by pottygeek


Ready to try Casu Marzu

I'm from Midwest, hardly tried any 'exotic' food. I'm plannin' to order Casu Marzu. I'm mentally ready for the worms, but is there more to it? And how the hell do I explain this stuff to the people at the Customs?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by NastyNas


My first encounter with Surströmming

So, heard about this Swedish delicacy, thought can't be THAT bad, yeh? I mean, it's just fish lol. Opened it. Big mistake. Lost my lunch and next three meals. Nevah again bro, nevah again.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by stomachofiron