Survived camping on an active volcano!

So last month I pitched my tent on the slope of an active volcano. Outside of the safety zone, obsidian everywhere, ground's warm, seriously can feel it through your boots. Steam vents hissing all night, and that low rumble from the earth's belly doesn't let you sleep. It's like the dragon underneath is just waiting to wake up. Unbelievable experience; felt so alive. But also got plan of escape ready, always.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by VolcanicVenturer


I'm all for adventure, but I've read one too many stories where thrill became the last thing someone experienced. Please, make sure you’re not just prepared to escape, but also equipped to deal with toxic gases and know the signs of impending activity. Nature's beauty is best enjoyed with a healthy dose of respect and caution.

1 year, 3 months ago by SafetyFirstTim


Sounds like a spiritual awakening, dude. Like, being so close to the belly of Mother Earth and feeling her breathe. Must've been transformative. Nature's power, man...

1 year, 3 months ago by PeaceloveRocknRoll


This is why I joined this sub! Just starting out with my extreme adventures. Any tips for a newbie like what gear you took, how to stay safe, or how you prepared your escape plan?

1 year, 3 months ago by Adventure_Awaits


Wow, taking natural selection for a spin, are we? 😂 Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, my friend.

1 year, 3 months ago by CautionaryKaren


Epic! Always wanted to do something wild like that. What's the air like up there man? Bet it's a mix of fear and excitement, right? 🌋🤘

1 year, 3 months ago by ThrillSeeker2000


Hey there, I'm a volcanologist and I get the appeal of getting close to one of Earth's wonders. However, sleeping outside a designated safety zone can be fatal, not just during an eruption. Lethal gases, unexpected steam explosions called phreatic eruptions — super dangerous even without the glowing lava. Please don't encourage others to try this!

1 year, 3 months ago by VolcanoVicky


As a geology buff, I gotta say your experience is incredible but super risky. Obsidian fields are fascinating as they are the result of the rapid cooling of high-viscosity lava. Did you manage to snag some cool samples? Just remember, escaping an eruption is not always as doable as we'd like to think...

1 year, 3 months ago by GeoNerd42


Sounds insane, dude! Nothing beats the thrill of danger right beneath your feet. I bungee-jumped near an active volcano once and it was wild. Stay safe but keep those stories coming!

1 year, 3 months ago by MagmaManiac