Is free solo climbing really worth the risk?!

Everyones going crazy about climbing huge cliffs without ropes but seriously, one slip and youre a goner. Not to be that guy but, ain't we taking the 'extremely dangerous' thing a lil too far? Survival rate gotta be considered, and like, idk, seems often it's less about the sport and more bout who's got the biggest death wish. Any free solo survivors out here wanna explain the appeal?

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by IllegalArgumentException


Free solo is like the pinnacle of climbing freedom, sure, but bro, I get sweaty palms just thinking about it. Saw a doc on it and while it’s sick to watch, I'll keep my ground game strong😅

10 months, 1 week ago by RopeBurned


Honestly, while I admire the skill, I can't get behind it. Seen too many close calls and lost friends. Climbs should be memorable, not potentially your last. Highball bouldering gives me all the thrills I need without the same level of risk. Just stay safe, y'all.

10 months, 1 week ago by VertigoValkyrie


Climbing is a metaphor for life. Every step, a decision; every hold, a commitment. Free solo takes that to the extreme. It's not for everyone. There's a beauty in the line between mastery and mortality. You learn a lot about living when every breath could be your last.

10 months, 1 week ago by SpiderFingers


lol ur just jelly u can't do it. Free solo climbers are gods among insects. They just ascend like it's nothing. wanna see a real sport? lose the ropes, bro. 😂

10 months, 1 week ago by CouchClimber


Free soloing's a personal thing. It ain't about a death wish. It's about focus, control, and self-reliance. Sure, it's dangerous as hell, but so's crossing the street these days. You plan, train, and when you're up there, it's just you and the climb. You know the risks but you also know yourself.

10 months, 1 week ago by SoloSummiter


I get that people wanna push limits, but yeah, the stakes are wayy too high with free soloing. There are plenty of ways to challenge yourself in climbing without going full-on no-ropes. It's not worth your life, dude. Stick to trad or sport, where a mistake isn't necessarily your last.

10 months, 1 week ago by SafetyFirstTim


Been on the rocks for years, and yeah free soloing is insane but also purest form of climbing. It's a mental game, not just physical. You feel every move, every grip. It's meditative almost. Only do it if YOU feel the call, not coz it's trending. Otherwise stick to the ropes, mate.

10 months, 1 week ago by CliffHangerX


It's all about that rush, man! Nothing gets your heart racing like being 1000ft up with no ropes. tbh, not everyone's cut out for it. gotta know ur limits.

10 months, 1 week ago by AdrenalineJunkie91